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Welcome to Placemaking Week Europe 2024 - Rotterdam Edition!
Keilepand Steps clear filter
Wednesday, September 25

11:45 CEST

Revisiting Densification in the Post-Covid Era
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 12:15 CEST
This session reports on a project that challenges the orthodoxy of property densification, following investigation of the future of the city centre in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and Newcastle New South Wales, Australia. During the covid period, urban design literature asserted that city centres need more public places and particularly green spaces. However, there is little evidence of a change in strategy in the post-covid era. This project explores alternatives to increasing densification, to enhance people’s mental and physical health, and enjoyment of city centres, while mitigating the effects of climate change. This is in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and reduced demand for commercial and retail buildings.

The session will use visual information, from the two Newcastles, and other cities in Europe and the Americas, to explore what is happening in densification trends following the pandemic. It will explore the principles involved in city centre transformation that establish any particular strategy, but most importantly creating place and making it last. There will be a short presentation of findings that poses questions for discussion among the participants, enabling them to express issues that are important to them. The discussion could include environmental, social, political and economic perspectives.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Bob Giddings

Professor, Northumbria University
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 12:15 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

12:30 CEST

Power of Design
Wednesday September 25, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
This session will delve into the co-evolution of spatial and institutional dynamics in urban development, highlighting how design entrepreneurship acts as a catalyst for urban transition. We choose the Luchtsingel project in Rotterdam, initially launched as temporary urban infrastructure that revitalized local development before becoming permanent, as our case study. This city-making initiative combined public (crowdfunding and community-building practices), bureaucratic (the City Initiative), and professional (the 5th IABR) forces, providing a rich context to identify the actors and their strategic actions throughout the transition process. By dissecting these interactions, we aim to uncover the mechanisms that drive changes in urban landscapes and influence policy-making. The session will offer researchers, professionals, officials, the public, and communities insights into how emergent design decisions can lead urban transitions by interacting with socio-cultural and spatial-political conditions. Our goal is to encourage the transformative potential to nurture more urban experiments for sustainable development. We aim to provide both theoretical frameworks and actionable insights at PWE ‘24, to understand and drive urban change through design experiments.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Yun Sun

Yun Sun

PhD Researcher, University of Groningen
Wednesday September 25, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

14:30 CEST

The Three Curious Ones: Creating Learning Spaces with Wonder & Nature
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:15 CEST
Join us in this inspiring session where we will present the Native Learning Garden project, a transformative initiative that has been implemented over the past three years in 10 rural schools in southern Chile. This project revitalized empty and neglected spaces within the schools, turning them into active learning environments that foster a deep connection with nature. Through hands-on activities, students are encouraged to explore, collaborate, and engage with their surroundings in ways that enhance their territorial identity and develop essential 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork. Participants in this session will gain insight into the impact of these gardens on rural education and how they serve as living laboratories for students to connect with their natural heritage while fostering curiosity and a lifelong passion for learning. Come discover how nature can be a powerful tool for education and help inspire the next generation of learners!

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Florencia Pérez Santos

Director of Social Impact and Sustainability, Brotario
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:15 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

15:15 CEST

Whose Space Is It Anyway? Navigating Through Fair & Inclusive Public Spaces
Wednesday September 25, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Join us for an engaging and dynamic session titled "Whose Space Is It Anyway? Navigating Through Fair and Inclusive Public Spaces." This session begins with a short presentation followed by an interactive discussion, where we will explore the critical question of who owns public space. We'll delve into the complexities of balancing diverse interests for integrated development and creating fair living environments.

This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of public space ownership, equitable access, and integrated development. Through interactive discussions, participants will have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue about balancing competing interests to ensure fair and sustainable urban environments.

By attending, you'll learn practical strategies for fostering inclusive public spaces and gain inspiration for your own projects. Don't miss this chance to be part of an important conversation on the future of our shared urban environments!

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Faye Ellen

Founder, Arttenders B.V.
Wednesday September 25, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

16:15 CEST

Activating Local Communities with the Kiezlabor
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 16:45 CEST
Explore the impact of the Kiezlabor, a mobile tiny house designed to drive digital and socio-ecological transformation in Berlin’s neighborhoods. For six months each year, the Kiezlabor brings a dynamic, participatory program to different communities, featuring hands-on workshops, meetups, and exhibitions that engage both residents and local authorities.

In this session, we’ll take you behind the scenes of our journey across Berlin, delving into the unique challenges and stories of each location. We’ll share the strategies that have successfully activated communities, the lessons we've learned along the way, and the collaborative efforts with local leaders that have fostered meaningful change. You’ll see how the Kiezlabor creates informal, inclusive spaces where citizens can connect and engage on equal terms.

Whether you’re an experienced placemaker or just starting out, this session will equip you with the insights and inspiration needed to revitalize your own neighborhood and foster stronger community ties.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Anne-Kristin Kruse

Anne-Kristin Kruse

Project Lead Kiezlabor, CityLAB Berlin
Anne Kruse arbeitet zu Stadtentwicklung, Beteiligung und Smart Cities. Aktuell arbeitet sie an dem Konzept, der Planung und Programmumsetzung für das Kiezlabor vom CityLAB. Sie ist außerdem Teil des Teams der Berliner Smart City- und Digitalstrategie Gemeinsam Digital: Berlin. Zuvor... Read More →
avatar for Carolin Clausnitzer

Carolin Clausnitzer

Public Engagement Manager, CityLAB Berlin
Ihr Herz schlägt für den Kontext Stadt und dafür, die Stadtgestalter:innen von heute und morgen zu befähigen, ihren Lebensraum ko-kreativ und hands-on mitzugestalten. Von Design Thinking, über Physical Computing bis hin zu urbaner Medienkunst – mit ihrem umfangreichen Werkzeugkoffer... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 16:45 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

17:00 CEST

From Neglect to Connection: Digital Placemaking for Palestinian Minority in Israel
Wednesday September 25, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
Join me in this dynamic session that explores how digital placemaking is transforming neglected public spaces in Palestinian Arab towns within Israel. You'll discover the journey of the Qalb-Al-Balad project, which began as a pilot initiative and is now evolving into a comprehensive placemaking movement led by community members, youth activists, and civil society. This session will reveal the unique challenges and innovative solutions encountered while revitalizing spaces neglected due to political discrimination.

I will also share my personal journey from volunteering in the pilot project to becoming a master’s student whose thesis focuses on digital placemaking, using this project as a case study. Today, as an activist architect, social entrepreneur, and MEPI Alumna, I’ve transitioned from a volunteer to the project coordinator at ACAP, leading this initiative with a deep commitment to my community.

This is an opportunity to learn from a project that bridges the gap between physical and digital spaces and fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment within a marginalized community. This session will offer practical insights into engaging marginalized communities through digital technologies and co-creating public spaces that reflect their identity. Let’s discuss, share, and imagine new possibilities for placemaking in challenging environments!

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
Wednesday September 25, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam
Thursday, September 26

11:45 CEST

Algorithm of the City
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 12:20 CEST
Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Jesse Jorg

Jesse Jorg

Urban creative Jesse Jop Jorg is involved in many projects that are designed to shape and color the city. He worked for several departments at the city of Amsterdam including the Bureau Art Factories, Placemaking Oosterpark and Art & Culture Amsterdam North, before becoming project... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 12:20 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

12:30 CEST

Nursing the Care
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
Can placemaking supports better aging, inspire new health professional vocation or even help us die with dignity?

Nursing the Care
Integrating health in Multi-Generational Community Living

Nursing the Care is a visionary initiative, set on weaving a seamless fabric of health services, care workers, and comprehensive care into existing residential spaces where they are most needed. By caring for the people that will take care of us we can create a positive loop effect that can include older adults and multiple generations. This is what we want to do in the social housing area of Axelborg in Denmark where approximately 603 residents live in 284 tenancies.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Jerome Picard

Jerome Picard

Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

14:30 CEST

Edicola - What Culture Do We Want To Be Capital Of?
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:00 CEST
The "Edicola" project by Line Culture and Associates Architecture reimagines traditional urban newsstands as vibrant community hubs, launched in the context of Bergamo Brescia being named the Italian Capital of Culture 2023. This project exemplifies innovative public space revitalization by turning small structures into dynamic focal points for social interaction and cultural engagement.

The session will explore the design philosophy and practical implementation of Edicola, highlighting how these structures integrate cultural, social, and economic elements to create multifunctional spaces. Through detailed case studies and discussions, participants will gain valuable insights into the significant impact of small-scale projects on urban environments.

Key aspects include:

1. Design Insights: The creative process of transforming newsstands into community spaces.
2. Community Engagement: How Edicola fosters social cohesion and supports local economies.
3. Collaborative Approaches: The importance of collaboration between architects, local artists, and city officials in realizing successful urban projects.
4. Practical Applications: Real-world examples and strategies for similar placemaking initiatives.

This session will showcase how the Edicola project sets new standards in urban design, contributing to more connected and livable cities through innovative, community-focused architecture, inspired by Bergamo Brescia's cultural leadership in 2023.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Mattia Carlo Cherubini

Cultural Consultant
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:00 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

15:15 CEST

Towards Community Cohesion: The Power of Resident-Led Walks
Thursday September 26, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
This session provides a case study of Jane’s Walk - a rare example of placemaking that is truly community-driven. It sees everyday residents and city-dwellers – rather than just planners and architects – as the true experts on their cities and neighbourhoods. It acts on the idea that cities can and should be self-organised, by encouraging residents to lead their own walking tours on any topic they like, and encouraging cities around the globe to lead their own Jane’s Walk festivals in whatever way they see fit.

In this session, you will learn how Jane’s Walk has established itself as a global, grassroots, community-led initiative. We will share stories and anecdotes on the power it has to build connections across the 500+ cities in which it operates, celebrating the legacy of Jane Jacobs and her contributions to urban studies and city planning.

Come and get inspired by this movement – a simple yet incredibly effective means of fostering vibrant and inclusive cities. You might discover new perspectives and principles to apply in your own placemaking endeavours.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Celia Beketa

Co-Chair, Jane's Walk

Carlos Aranha

Global Partnerships, Jane's Walk
Thursday September 26, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

16:15 CEST

From Classroom to Community: Placemaking for Students & Universities
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 16:45 CEST
In this session, we will explore how to integrate placemaking concepts into university courses. By incorporating these ideas into the curriculum, educators can foster experiential learning opportunities that prepare students to become active Placemakers. Through practical examples and case studies, we will demonstrate the benefits of hands-on involvement in community-building activities.

Join us for an engaging panel discussion where we will examine how university students can actively participate in the placemaking movement and contribute to various projects. This session will highlight how students can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to these initiatives, ultimately enhancing community life and fostering a sense of belonging.

Designed for students, educators, and practitioners, this session offers practical strategies and valuable insights. We will hear stories from experienced practitioners and educators who have successfully integrated placemaking into their teaching and projects. Through this session, we aim to spread knowledge and provide tools to help universities and students engage more deeply with placemaking, contributing to the creation of vibrant, sustainable communities.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Naser Hasso Adib

Urban Planning and Design student, Karlstad University
avatar for Andrew Shaw

Andrew Shaw

Lecturer/Researcher, Breda University of applied sciences
As an educator in the Bachelor Specialisation of Urban Life & Placemaking at Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, I have a broad interest in the ways cities work and the human interactions that happen within them.I will be joining Placemaking Week for the 2nd time... Read More →

Donagh Horgan

avatar for Katusha Sol

Katusha Sol

education developer, University of amsterdam
avatar for Mustafa Sherif

Mustafa Sherif

Urbanistica Podcast host, Placemaking Sweden Director, Urban Planner Studio Manager AFRY Stockholm.
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 16:45 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

17:00 CEST

Bog Bothy - Spaces for Shelter, Retreat & Deep Engagement with a Changing Landscape
Thursday September 26, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
Join us for a down-to-earthly presentation of "Bog Bothy," a transformative placemaking project collaborating with Irish peatland communities to co-create bothies—spaces for shelter, retreat, and profound engagement with the evolving landscape. As Ireland transitions from peat extraction, this session delves into how architecture can uphold historical connections with the bog while safeguarding it for future generations.

With one-sixth of Ireland covered in bogs, the end of peat extraction marks a major environmental and social shift. This session addresses the challenges of this transition and issues of spatial justice for rural communities. By documenting historical and contemporary peatland architecture, "Bog Bothy" counters exclusionary narratives of 'wilderness' and 'rewilding' through understanding bogs as deeply cultural landscapes. It highlights the adaptive reuse of materials and knowledge from the peat industry, presenting bothies as symbols of positive change and community aspiration.

Participants will discover innovative methods to reconnect with post-industrial peatlands, gaining insights into architectural solutions that support environmental stewardship and community resilience. Bog Bothy is a collaboration between the Irish Architecture Foundation’s ‘Reimagine’ Placemaking Programme and 12th Field.

This project is uniquely positioned to inspire and educate festival attendees about innovative architectural responses to local design challenges and environmental transformation.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio


David Jameson

12th Field

Dean Black

dean.black@architecturefoundation.ie, Irish Architecture Foundation
Thursday September 26, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam
Friday, September 27

11:45 CEST

The Compelling Business Case for Lifestyle Placemaking - Award Winning Case Studies from Canada
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 12:15 CEST
This is a 30min presentation highlighting exciting award winning lifestyle placemaking projects and destinations that are changing the game in Canada. They are achieving community engagement and business development goals simultaneously. The key insight is that there is a massive human desire for multiple experiences in one place. The examples highlighted are delivering thoughtful and exciting amenities, programming and experiences in all aspects of lifestyle including food & beverage, art, culture, festival, play, shop, make, sport, learn, discover and watch. They are inspiring longer and repeat visits by guests leading to historic commercial upside. The goal is to inspire attendees of this presentation to take away key learnings to apply to their current and future projects.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Marcello Cabezas

Marcello Cabezas

Placemaker/Experience Architect, The Fifth Group
Presenting:The Compelling Business Case for Lifestyle Placemaking- Award Winning Case Studies from CanadaFriday September 27, 11:45 CESTMarcello is an award winning lifestyle placemaker and producer from Toronto, Canada. He is known for creating thoughtful community destinations that... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 12:15 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

12:30 CEST

A Human-Centred Design Approach to Urban Streets Transformation
Friday September 27, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
This session aims at presenting the methodology and assessment tools we developed as well as demonstrating their ability to provide human-centred solutions to the many
challenges faced by urban designers on urban projects and street redesigns.

It will explore the importance of collecting a robust set of human-oriented data while making sure to carefully listen to the community sentiment in order to better informed the vision and concept design, and shape spaces that reflect the diverse identities of locals.

The session will highlight how this transferable methodology can assist municipalities into implementing modern and inclusive street design while future-proofing the urban landscape, fostering active mobility and creating vibrant places.

Through the examination of our team’s proposal for the Boulevard de Sebastopol in Paris, the session will showcase a textbook example of urban battle for space in a context where the old urban forces hope to keep intact their share of the cake by hindering transformative change.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Romain Loubiere

Romain Loubiere

Director, Cyclable By Design
Romain is passionate about using the power of the bicycle to positively transform people’s daily lives and nurture sustainability, inclusivity and diversity in cities. Bringing his focus on people-centered and data-driven design, his work explores people’s behaviors, movements... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

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