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Welcome to Placemaking Week Europe 2024 - Rotterdam Edition!
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) clear filter
Wednesday, September 25

10:00 CEST

The System and Us. Bold Moves Towards Change.
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 CEST
As our cities are caught up in a polycrisis, it provides momentum to truly act differently. Rotterdam is known as a city not shying away from bold moves to rethink itself. Currently the city is leading the way in its climate adaptation efforts, going all hands on deck to prepare the city for changing weather conditions. As this years’ festival will showcase, taking a placemaking approach to tackling climate change will yield the opportunity to address multiple challenges at once. After all, ‘When you focus on place, you do everything differently’ (Fred Kent). Placemaking has the potential to be truly regenerative, strengthen our democracies, and turn dysfunctional systems upside down. As the first morning panel, Gabriella Gomez Mont, Jenny Anderson and Johan Verlinde will set the stage for a week of insightful discussions and proactive engagements. Daring us to be bold in the impact we make, and think about our ability to challenge the status quo. 

Charlot Schans

Director of Placemaking Europe, Placemaking Europe
avatar for Gabriella Gomez Mont

Gabriella Gomez Mont

Chief Creative Officerfor Mexico City and Founder and director of Experimentalista, Experimentalista
Gabriella Gómez-Mont is the former Chief Creative Officer for Mexico City and the founder and director of Experimentalista, a transdisciplinary and nomadic studio that has collaborated with progressive governments, universities, foundations, grassroots movements, and arts collectives... Read More →
avatar for Jenny Andersson

Jenny Andersson

I am passionate about the fractal potential of place as a critical node in transforming economy, ecology and culture towards regenerative futures. Inspired by the principles that have created the conditions conducive to life for 3.8 billion years, everything we do through our organisation... Read More →

Johan Verlinde

Program Manager Rotterdam Climate Adaptation Plan
Johan Verlinde works for the City of Rotterdam as the program manager of the Rotterdam Climate Adaptation Plan. The goal of the plan is to take the next step in preparing the city for climate hazards like heavy rainfall, heat and drought. This is done in close collaboration with citizens... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

11:45 CEST

Vice Mayor panel: City Leadership in Placemaking
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
This dynamic session features city mayors from across the continent in a roundtable discussion that will spotlight mayoral perspectives on the role of placemaking in urban governance and approaches to public space policy. Mayors and municipal representatives from cities across Europe will share their insights on fostering community-centric cities, integrating placemaking into policy, and the ways in which leadership in transforming urban landscapes can help to create better cities for everyone. This is a fantastic chance to hear from top municipal leaders who are on the front lines of creating liveable, resilient cities through innovative and sustainable placemaking strategies.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Lisette van Rhijn

Lisette van Rhijn

Strategy Advisor, Placemaking Europe & STIPO
avatar for Daniel Rádai

Daniel Rádai

Deputy mayor, Budapest District 8 Józsefváros

Fredrik Lindstål

Former Deputy Mayor in Stockholm
avatar for Jakub Mazur

Jakub Mazur

Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw, President of METREX, Municipality of Wrocław
Born 21.05.1977 in Wrocław.Graduate of the University of Economics (former the Academy of Economics) in Wrocław from 1995 to 2000 and University of Wrocław, Faculty of Law and Administration, from 1997 to 2002. Participant in numerous training courses.Professional experience:25... Read More →

Pascal Lansink-Bastemeijer

Vice mayor, Municipality of Rotterdam
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

Small Big Stories: Co-designing an Inclusive City
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
This session explores  the role and potential of placemaking to drive social inclusion. We share insights of InclusiveCity, a DUT funded research project, exploring critical placemaking in 15 Minutes City transitions in 5 living labs across Europe  (Rotterdam, Oslo, Vienna, Rome and Budapest).  In a world with growing inequalities and urban challenges, it is necessary to dig into our daily practice as placemakers and review aspects of inclusion and trust, leaving no one behind. How can or cannot Placemaking be a tool to benefit local communities and create lasting social change?

InclusiveCity partners invite practitioners, academics, and decision makers to a collective discussion revising aspects of inclusion in public space design and placemaking projects. Concrete examples and tools will support the open dialogue, while the Theory of Change (ToC) framework will help to unpack the buzzwords of inclusion and participation.

What will you learn:
-Unpacking buzzwords by pinning placemaking to more complex community objectives
-Practical methods for bringing “invisible” voices and community assets into your work
-Critical reflections on placemaking and inclusion, to better distinguish “tokenism” vs real power redistribution towards the community and its needs.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Ariela de Oliveira

superwien urbanism zt GmbH

Roland Krebs

superwien urbanism zt GmbH
avatar for Levente Polyak

Levente Polyak

Director, Eutropian
Levente Polyak is urban planner, researcher, community advocate and policy adviser. After studying architecture at Budapest University of Technology, urbanism at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris and sociology at ELTE Budapest, and EHESS Paris, he was visiting lecturer at the Moholy-Nagy... Read More →
avatar for Milagros Hurtig

Milagros Hurtig

Researcher, NTNU
avatar for Helene Gallis

Helene Gallis

Senior Advisor on social sustainability, Fragment AS
Helene Gallis is a Norwegian awardwinning entrepreneur, environmentalist and placemaker. Her work focusses on green public spaces that facilitates diverse stakeholder interaction while increasing urban biodiversity. Her experience includes international research projects, consultancy... Read More →
avatar for Kim Weger

Kim Weger

Project Manager, Natural State
I work with participation and social inclusion, exploring how the theories of deliberative democracy can be applied within placemaking projects. At Natural State, I manage national and international projects connecting people, ideas, and research, and translating sustainability theories... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Patient Capital - Key to Social Sustainability
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Hans Karssenberg

Hans Karssenberg

Partner / Board Member, Stipo
Hans Karssenberg (1970) is founding partner of STIPO, an interdisciplinary team for better cities. He leads complex urban area development towards human scale, great public space, mixed use, sustainable and inclusive quality, always in close co-creation with all stakeholders. He is... Read More →
avatar for Clementine Robert

Clementine Robert

avatar for Theo Stauttener

Theo Stauttener

Partner, Stadkwadraat B.V.
Theo Stauttener (1967) leads projects, conducts negotiations and takes care of strategic development at location development. His focus is in financial management and risk management in developing new areas or restructuring. In addition, he works as a professor of various courses... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

18:00 CEST

The Radical Honesty for Change Fishbowl
Wednesday September 25, 2024 18:00 - 20:00 CEST
A free, welcoming, and horizontal space to discuss the current trends and challenges of our practice. The session aims to create an intimate and open environment with dim lighting, encouraging honest and meaningful dialogue. To foster a safe space for free expression, stickers will be placed on phone cameras, emulating a nightclub-style no photo/video policy. Please note that there will be a queue to enter as we must cover the cameras with stickers. 
avatar for Ramon Marrades

Ramon Marrades

Director of Placemaking Europe, Placemaking Europe
I am an economist and urbanist with a passion for port cities, public spaces, culture, and innovation. Director at Placemaking Europe, founder at Vigla, and strategy advisor to a number of cities and large-scale development projects. Before, Iserved as the Chief Strategy and Finance... Read More →
avatar for Steve Davies

Steve Davies

Principal, Place Solutions Group
I am a Co-Founder of Project for Public Spaces. Since 2018, I have been an independent consultant. I am currently President of the Placemaking Fund and a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Urban Placemaking and Management program at Pratt Institute. My current interests include public... Read More →
avatar for Juliet Kahne

Juliet Kahne

Director of Events, Project for Public Spaces
Juliet is the Director of Events at Project for Public Spaces where she produces online engagements and annual international conferences, including all of the organization's International Placemaking Weeks. Juliet is an urban geographer in practice and obtained her doctorate at Kings... Read More →
avatar for Julia Pineda

Julia Pineda

Partner, Crearqció
avatar for Milena Ivkovic

Milena Ivkovic

CEO, Placemaking Western Balkans
avatar for Beitske Boonstra

Beitske Boonstra

Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Beitske Boonstra works as assistant professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, department of Public Administration and Sociology. Her research interests are civic self-organization, city-making and place-making, community-led urban development, just resilience, urban governance, transdisciplinarity... Read More →

Rosemarie van Ham

Advisor Inclusive Climate Policy, Municipality of Rotterdam
Wednesday September 25, 2024 18:00 - 20:00 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands
Thursday, September 26

10:00 CEST

Benches and Beyond: Strategic Steps for Placemaking
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 CEST
This session explores the transformative practice of placemaking through a series of dynamic, TED-style talks. Each speaker will have 12 minutes to share practical examples and insights. They will illustrate the journey from conceptual inspiration to real-world implementation, highlighting how modest beginnings, like benches, can evolve into significant community landmarks and large project initiatives. This panel aims to inspire attendees with actionable strategies for creating engaging, functional, and vibrant public spaces. Let us discover how innovative placemaking can foster community connection and revitalisation on both small and large scales. Speakers are encouraged to share how they are applying the principles of placemaking on a larger scale. Please focus on one or two clear examples that outline the storyline and process, avoiding a broad array of examples.
avatar for Lea Lewitan

Lea Lewitan

Placemaking Europe Community and Regional Networks lead, Placemaking Europe
avatar for Rinske Brand

Rinske Brand

Founder, BRAND The Urban Agency
Rinske Brand operates at the intersection of culture, society, and urban development. As an entrepreneur, researcher, author, and speaker, she contributes to forward-thinking insights and practices shaping the future of cities. She is the founder of BRAND The Urban Agency, serves... Read More →
avatar for Luca Ballarini

Luca Ballarini

Founder & Director, Stratosferica
Designer, editor, placemaker. Among the various definitions of an almost 30-year career, Luca Ballarini is first and foremost founder. Creator of the city brand and experiment in city imaging Torino Stratosferica, now the social enterprise Stratosferica, with which he curates the... Read More →
avatar for Petra Marko

Petra Marko

Chief Executive of the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava,, Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava
Petra Marko is the Chief Executive of the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava, with over 15 years of experience in architecture, urban planning, and placemaking. She co-founded Marko&Placemakers, focusing on public spaces and participatory urban design. Petra has advised the UK government... Read More →
avatar for Mark Davy

Mark Davy

Founder - Future City
Mark Davy is the Founder of Futurecity, a global multi-disciplinary placemaking agency set up in 2007 to promote culture-driven placemaking. A former artist Davy has promoted culture as the guiding narrative for the regeneration and development of towns, cities and regions. Mark... Read More →
avatar for Akil Scafe Smith

Akil Scafe Smith

Director - Resolve Collective
Akil is a director of RESOLVE Collective, an interdisciplinary design collective that combines architecture, engineering, technology, and art to address social challenges. They have delivered numerous projects, workshops, publications, and talks in the UK and across the world, all... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

11:45 CEST

Pioneering Culture-led Development
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Panel discussion to mark the launch of the book 'Heart, Head, Hands: A Guide for City Makers – Four Steps to Culture-led Development'. The book highlights the importance of cultural and creative spaces to the identity of cities and proposes a strategy for uniting real estate, culture, and government through a Culture-led Development framework.

This session will spotlight the framework's key stages: Initiate, Organize, Finance, Consolidate. After a short interview with the author Rinske Brand and the introduction of the framework, three pioneers in culture-led development (also showcased in the book) will share their stories and take questions from the audience. Their focus will be on exploring the keys success factors, navigating pitfalls, and distilling invaluable lessons learned during these culture-led developments.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Folkert van Hagen

Folkert van Hagen

Group A Architects

Charlotte Ernst

Hof van Cartesius
avatar for Gabrielle Muris

Gabrielle Muris

Werkspoorkwartier, Utrecht, Netherlands
avatar for Rinske Brand

Rinske Brand

Founder, BRAND The Urban Agency
Rinske Brand operates at the intersection of culture, society, and urban development. As an entrepreneur, researcher, author, and speaker, she contributes to forward-thinking insights and practices shaping the future of cities. She is the founder of BRAND The Urban Agency, serves... Read More →
avatar for Jerin Sage

Jerin Sage

Director of Placemaking, Flint, US,
Jerin Sage is a Flint born creative and multidisciplinary artist with over 20 years invested in bettering the greater Flint area through community building, innovation, and leadership. Jerin wears many hats… he is the Director of Placemaking at The What's Up Downtown Project, a... Read More →
avatar for Greg Fiedler

Greg Fiedler

President and CEO, Flint, US
has been CEO of GFAC for 30 years. Greg has 45 years of experience in corporate management and administration, 37 years of experience in non-profit management, and has been a performing artist for 58 years. He holds a BA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His experience includes... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

Co-Designing Climate-Resilient & Inclusive Neighbourhoods
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
How can we engage and ensure citizens, including the less commonly heard voices, shape how their neighbourhoods are redesigned to be healthier, more climate resilient and great places to live?

During our discussion and to try and answer this, you will hear about challenges and best practices from 3 European projects, and from Paris to Asia we’ll learn how cities are bringing nature to streets, squares and schools, all with a common objective to co-design more climate resilient and inclusive neighbourhoods. The session will share how to reconnect cities with nature, improve health and wellbeing and how these practices are helping communities to adapt and prepare for extreme climate events.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions to the panellists focused on the different ways each project is trying to respond to this question! From focusing on co-designing spaces with less heard voices, using proximity planning to address citizens needs and dreams, using citizen science to create more resilient spaces in cities, neighbourhoods and schoolyards, to embedding health and wellbeing into the design process.

Representing projects ReGreeneration, LIFE CRITICAL, UP2030, and OASIS Schoolyards, City representatives from Bradford, UK, Thessaloniki Greece, and Dordrecht, the Netherlands, as well as C40 Cities and Resilient Cities Network will be present.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio 
avatar for Dimitra Zouni

Dimitra Zouni

Climate Urbanist, Placemaker, STIPO Greece

Aurora Lokita

Manager, Programs and MEL, Resilient Cities Network


avatar for Özlem Bozkurt

Özlem Bozkurt

Project leader, Özlem Bozkurt
I am is currently working as a projectleader of an EU LIFE funded project LIFE CRITICAL at the municipality of Dordrecht (NL). I am part of the Green-Blue City team whose focus lies on biodiversity, climate adaptation and a healthy living environment.I have a master’s in Biomedical... Read More →
avatar for Stephanie Patterson

Stephanie Patterson

Project Manager for Urban Regeneration, C40 Cities
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Creative Placemaking: Development Without Displacement Through Art & Culture
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Many communities have enjoyed the benefits of new development leveraging art and culture, or creative placemaking (CPM), but have also seen the pitfalls, such as displacement. Millions of people around the globe are annually displaced due to wars/conflict, natural disasters, and economic instability.   But displacement also occurs from new real estate development that can bring welcome amenities and new energy to a neighborhood.  New development can also drive property values and rents up, forcing out those less able to pay, often vulnerable, diverse populations.
 This session raises awareness about advertent and inadvertent displacement in the built environment and strategies, leveraging art and culture, to avoid displacement. Studies have shown that cities or places that are diverse and inclusive outperform others that are not. So avoiding or limiting displacement is essential for successful place-led development.

 Participants will gain knowledge through research, case studies, and interactive Q&A about CPM best practices and how to employ them to enhance the value of place and deliver benefits that accrue to all stakeholders - community residents and businesses, developers and their partners, and government. Delivered by a panel of subject matter experts living and working in the US and Europe, this session looks back for historical context and lessons learned, and forward to a possible future pregnant with vibrant, healthy places.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Juanita Hardy

Juanita Hardy

ULI Senior Visiting Fellow for Creative Placemaking, Urban Land Institute
Juanita Hardy is the ULI Senior Visiting Fellow for Creative Placemaking. Her work will support the Institute’s Building Healthy Places Initiative by deepening and broadening ULI’s focus on creative placemaking in its content and program areas, and through its District Council... Read More →
avatar for Renee Schoonbeek

Renee Schoonbeek

Senior Adviseur Stations & Stedelijke Ontwikkeling, Arcadis Nederland B.V.
I am a result-driven urban planner a with a wealth of experience in both public and private sectors. I am uniquely qualified in community-based planning, urban placemaking, and building public-private partnerships while delivering large complex projects and engaging diverse stakeholders... Read More →

Raquel Mideau

Director of Marketing, NINE dot ARTS
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

18:00 CEST

Bridges to be Built & The Empathic Debate Club
Thursday September 26, 2024 18:00 - 20:00 CEST
Building bridges between people is crucial in today’s interconnected world. Trust and empathy are the foundations of these bridges, enabling us to collaborate effectively and create inclusive, resilient communities. Bridging organisations is particularly important as it facilitates the sharing of resources, knowledge, and best practices, fostering innovation and enhancing the impact of collective efforts. To foster these qualities, we must explore innovative partnerships that transcend traditional boundaries—not just between organisations but also across concepts and communities. For instance, how can the 15-minute city model, with its focus on creating accessible neighbourhoods, and tactical urbanism, through its low-cost, community-driven projects, empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their spaces? By integrating these ideas with broader strategies for trust-making, we can cultivate environments where collaboration flourishes, and empathy becomes the driving force for positive change. Additionally, building bridges across diverse communities encourages a sense of shared purpose and mutual support, which is vital for addressing complex urban challenges. When communities come together, they can pool their unique strengths and perspectives, leading to more sustainable and innovative solutions that benefit everyone.
Following a discussion on building bridges between organisations, communities and across concepts, we invite you and members of the audience to join us for our evening activity, the Empathic Debate Club. Here, we will delve into fun and thought-provoking debates centred around our four core festival themes. Together, we’ll explore the intersections and challenges that shape our collective future, and challenge ourselves to find common ground between polarised positions. Are you brave enough to participate in the debate?

Four core themes (for the debate):
(1) Creating place and making it last 
(2) Climate adaptation: together towards change 
(3) Living with water: the flow of the city 
(4) Local power and the battle of space
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Guillermo Bernal

Guillermo Bernal

Executive Director, The Place Institute
Guillermo Bernal is a global leader in the placemaking movement, with over a decade of experience in transforming public spaces into vibrant community hubs. He is the Founding Director of Fundación Placemaking México and Executive Director of The Place Institute, organizations that... Read More →
avatar for Mustafa Sherif

Mustafa Sherif

Urbanistica Podcast host, Placemaking Sweden Director, Urban Planner Studio Manager AFRY Stockholm.
avatar for Nuria Ribas Costa

Nuria Ribas Costa

Communications Officer and Researcher, Humankind
Nuria Ribas Costa is a Spanish Journalist and Jurist based between Rotterdam and Ibiza, her homeland. Formerly at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) she currently works as a researcher, policy analyst and programmer in the fields of urbanism and culture. She leads co... Read More →
avatar for Gregorio Scarpella

Gregorio Scarpella

Director, GCDN
Greg is the Director of the Global Cultural Districts Network (GCDN), a dynamic membership organization of over 60 international cultural districts with a mission to improve the quality of urban life through the arts, culture and creative industries.As Director of GCDN, Greg is responsible... Read More →
avatar for Rita Marascalchi

Rita Marascalchi

Acting Head of Intercultural Inclusion Unit, Council of Europe, Intercultural Cities Programme
Rita is currently the acting had of the Council of Europe Inclusion and Integration Unit, managing the Intercultural Cities Programme (ICC), and providing secretariat services to the intergovernmental group of experts on anti-discrimination and inclusion (ADI-INT). Supporting local authorities to manage diversity positively and realise the diversity advantage and encouraging effective multi-level governance of migrants’ integration are at the core of her work. Prior to this, she worked with NGOs and international organisations, both loca... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 18:00 - 20:00 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands
Friday, September 27

10:00 CEST

Here & Ahead.
Friday September 27, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 CEST
This concluding session will encapsulate key takeaways and reflections from the week. It will feature a special video presentation by Carlos Moreno, renowned for his work on the 15-minute city concept. Following this, Francine Houben, architect and founding partner of Mecanoo, will present "Could a Dijkpark Give a New Perspective for Rotterdam South?" To close, our keynote listeners will share their insights in a series of PechaKucha-style presentations, offering critical reflections on the themes explored throughout the event.

Fredrik Lindstål

Former Deputy Mayor in Stockholm

Rosaria Battista

Placemaking Europe
With a Bachelor’s in Political Science and an MSc in Urban Management and Development, Rosaria embarked on her urbanism journey through her thesis “Global Cities and Environmental Justice,” critiquing Rome’s waste mismanagement. Throughout her studies, she discovered placemaking... Read More →

Marlene Vermeij

Policy officer National Climate Adaptation Strategy
avatar for Hans Karssenberg

Hans Karssenberg

Partner / Board Member, Stipo
Hans Karssenberg (1970) is founding partner of STIPO, an interdisciplinary team for better cities. He leads complex urban area development towards human scale, great public space, mixed use, sustainable and inclusive quality, always in close co-creation with all stakeholders. He is... Read More →
avatar for Vivian Doumpa

Vivian Doumpa

Co-Founder, Coordinator, Creativity Platform NGO - Tópio Program
Vivian Doumpa is an urban planner and geographer from Thessaloniki, Greece living and working between Greece and the Netherlands. She is  coordinator of Tópio, a project by Creativity Platform NGO, where together with her team she works as a creative placemaker, with a special focus... Read More →

Francine Houben

Architect, Founding partner of Mecanoo, Mecanoo
Friday September 27, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

11:45 CEST

Waterfronts by the Cities in Placemaking Cities
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Lisette van Rhijn

Lisette van Rhijn

Strategy Advisor, Placemaking Europe & STIPO
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

Waterfront Futures
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST

This interactive panel invites you to imagine how waterfronts and natural spaces can be transformed into vibrant, sustainable community hubs. A group of experts will share their insights on how thoughtful design and a multidisciplinary approach can shape these areas into spaces that not only bring people together but also care for the environment. They’ll discuss how to create places that blend nature with community life in ways that inspire a strong sense of place. Whether it's about designing spaces that encourage social interaction or  with cultural and creative incorporating elements that honor the local ecosystem, the conversation will highlight how we can reimagine our natural surroundings to serve

Note: This session will use headphones for audio 
avatar for Rosanna Vitiello

Rosanna Vitiello

Bureau Chief, The Place Bureau
Founder of research, strategy and design studio The Place Bureau, Rosanna is a creative director and urban strategist focusing on public places, cultures and experience design. Her work unlocks the power and potential of place through cultural insights and narrative-led design, partnering... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

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