Welcome to Placemaking Week Europe 2024 - Rotterdam Edition!
strong>Katoenhuis Art Hall [clear filter]
Wednesday, September 25

11:45 CEST

Reconsidering the Value of Underground spaces in a Sustainable & Climate-Responsive Urban Future
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Ever wondered what’s beneath your city streets? With more than half of the world's population living in urban areas, cities are getting creative with the limited land above ground. From bustling Latin American metropolises to sleek European capitals, urban spaces are growing upwards and downwards!

Join us as we venture into the underground wonders transforming our cities. Discover Seoul’s high-tech metro farm where robots are cultivating plants in once-abandoned subway spaces. Explore how Paris is reviving its forgotten quarries and tunnels, and how Singapore and Helsinki are leading the way in reimagining subterranean spaces.

In a world where Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo calls underground spaces an “incredible wealth,” and Hong Kong is digging deep for essential infrastructure, we’ll dive into the potential of these hidden realms.

This panel will cover:

1. What is Underground Urbanism? Uncover how utilizing these spaces can create sustainable, resilient, and equitable cities.
2. Effective Implementation: What makes underground development successful?
3. Future-Ready Planning: How can planners and city administrators harness subterranean spaces for disaster risk reduction and sustainable growth?

Get ready to dig into the future of urban living—because sometimes, the best solutions are right beneath our feet! 🌍🔍
avatar for Abidemi Agwor

Abidemi Agwor

I am interested in learning more about policy development focused on exploring integration of subterranean features into the urban layout of cities .
avatar for Han Admiraal

Han Admiraal

Co-chair, ITACUS
avatar for Antonia Cornaro

Antonia Cornaro

Urbanist, ITACUS
I'm passioinate about cities, public art and spaces, and underground urbanism.
avatar for Mahak Agrawal

Mahak Agrawal

Steering Board Member (Urban Adaptability), ITA Committee on Underground Spaces
Mahak Agrawal is an urban planner, climate science and sustainability expert, global thought leader and LinkedIn Top (Green) Voice, and former United Nations fellow. As a Shardashish Scholar and Environmental Fellow at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs... Read More →
avatar for Akhilesh Shisodia

Akhilesh Shisodia

Stedenbouwkundige, Generation Energy
I am an urbanist with expertise in subsurface urban functions and sustainable design. At Generation Energy, I design innovative regional energy visions.
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

14:30 CEST

Placemaking for the Planet: Inclusive Strategies for a Greener Future
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST

Rosemarie van Ham

Advisor Inclusive Climate Policy, Municipality of Rotterdam
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

16:15 CEST

Imagine the city of Happy Proximity
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
The Happy Proximity Fresk is an engaging, thought-provoking and playful workshop created by Chaire ETI researchers (from IAE Paris Sorbonne University). It is a collaborative and creative activity to help participants self-reflect on their daily routines and the spatial and temporal dimensions of their lifestyles at a city, territory, or neighbourhood scale. Participants are invited to play fictitious personae and map their personal weekly activities on a canvas structured around the six social functions (organized by distance to their home, transportation mode and frequency.) It functions as an empowerment mechanism to trigger participants' desires and motivations to transform some of their living habits (usually built over time and therefore mostly never challenged) or practices or the local urban policies if they are decision makers or stakeholders of the city community or governance.
avatar for Seunghoon Han

Seunghoon Han

City Designer, Chaire ETI
avatar for Chiara Martinuzzi

Chiara Martinuzzi

Research Project Manager, Chaire ETI - IAE Paris, Sorbonne Business School
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall
Thursday, September 26

11:45 CEST

Create Together Communities Through Greener Spaces & Gardens in Cities
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
We want to improve the quality of life in neighbourhoods to make more places greener. As cities and housing corporations we see a lot of places that can be better used. Public spaces and semi-public places around social housing have sometimes bad quality and are not well used.

Together with our citizens and tenants we start processes to design more attractive, healthier and greener places to make more places for community, to come together, to play and give more space for biodiversity, meetings, playgrounds and climat adaption.
In different countries and cities we meet the same challenges. Cities and housing corporations from Portugal, the Netherlands, France and United Kingdom will show in this workshops you some good examples in our cities and together we will share our challenges and questions. How do you like to contribute to greener the areas and built communities? Which steps can you follow to engage several stakeholders to invest in greener spaces? Can you share with us your good examples? Come and join our workshop and participate with your knowledge and experiences

avatar for Hugo Mesquita

Hugo Mesquita

Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Adjunto do Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Famalicão para a coordenação e instalação de projetos Smart City. 00 351 919 023; hugomesquita@famalicao.pt; hugo.d.mesquita@gmail.com



Nicolas Levrel

Project Manager - Nature in the city and Active Mobilities, Paris Habitat
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

14:30 CEST

Playful Placemaking: Co-creating Spaces with Gamification
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Experience a hands-on workshop on the potential of gamification and AI in participatory design, and discover how it can meaningfully connect communities, local governments, and other stakeholders to design better places for people.

Our session will use the Delfshaven area - where the festival is taking place, as a case study for an area that is undergoing urban renewal. In our workshop, attendees will use digital tools and board games, experiencing the potential of gamification in the design process on various scales. During the workshop, attendees will participate in a unique board game that encourages a creative dialogue where all voices are heard and common interests and disagreements are addressed, resulting in a plan expressing that dialogue.

In addition, we’ll harness cutting-edge technology to gather ideas and input from participants, processing them through AI to visualize their potential impact on the urban environment. This innovative approach demonstrates how community input can play a meaningful role in shaping the urban environment, improving the quality of urban development, and empowering communities in creating places. Our workshop emphasizes the vital role of community involvement in urban planning and the power of gamification in creating meaningful engagement.

By participating, you'll gain insights into effective participatory design techniques and experience how user input can significantly contribute to improving our cities. Schedule: Introduction and Overview Presentation of the case-study area Interactive Workshops AI-Powered Idea Visualization Group Discussion and Q&A The future of our cities is green, human-centric, and collaborative. As a decision-maker, you cannot afford to fall behind. Join us to lead the way in better cities!

avatar for Dor Eshun-Cohen

Dor Eshun-Cohen

Architect, Oa Studio
avatar for Rihards Dzelme

Rihards Dzelme

CEO | Co Founder, Playground City

Joana Traver

CMO, Playground City
avatar for ROTEM CARMI


Founder, City Makers
I've got a podcast! Place to Be:https://open.spotify.com/show/0b0IEMNp0FKlm462a4YIMy?si=39bf5dabfa794942
avatar for Ohad Solomon

Ohad Solomon

Architect, Studio Oa
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

16:15 CEST

Participatory Urban Design with Augmented Reality
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:45 CEST
Reimagine the Keilepand area together using real-time augmented reality (AR)! Ahead of Metvibee's planned launch in October, we're hosting a workshop at the Placemaking Week Europe where you can experience how AR can contribute to urban co-design.

This workshop uses collaborative AR functions of Metvibee where participants can draw and place objects (street furniture etc.) and see live updates of the co-design.

After that, we'll end the workshop with a deeper discussion on the challenges and opportunities of using AR in participatory city making, how power relations can be challenged and addressed by AR, and how an AR tool's user experience and interface can be more inclusive and contribute towards mainstreaming participatory design in how cities are developed.
avatar for Raphaela Mak

Raphaela Mak

Trans-disciplinary artist and entrepreneurCEO and co-founder of Metvibee - https://www.metvibee.com
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:45 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall
Friday, September 27

11:45 CEST

Empowering Urban Change Through Community-Driven Storytelling
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Stories connect us. They have the power to change our perspectives and ignite change in our living environments. But what kind of stories should we tell? Who should the storytellers be? And who needs to listen?

In this session, we cut through the confusion that surrounds storytelling, exploring what it looks like in practice in placemaking and urban development projects. We will dive into actionable strategies for how to use storytelling to hear the stories of citizens before, during and after a project and discover how to define an impactful narrative of change and use it to connect stakeholders.

The session has three parts:
First, it starts with practical insights on how various communication forms (audio, visual, text) can be used to make placemaking and urban development processes more understandable, accessible, and impactful for citizens, professionals, and other stakeholders.

Then, participants will take part in an interactive demonstration of a new methodology for impactful and effective citizen participation, creating AI-powered stories in real time that reflect citizen experiences in our living environments.

The session ends with a closing panel discussion addressing how we can humanize our communication to reach all people, ethical considerations of AI, and human biases in storytelling, among other topics.
avatar for Paivi Raivio

Paivi Raivio

Designer, Co-Founder, Parkly
Päivi Raivio is an urban designer, artist and placemaker. She is a Placemaking Europe Leader.Päivi is the co-founder of RaivioBumann and Parkly - two companies which operate in Helsinki but also work internationally.RaivioBumann is a creative studio for placemaking, urban co-creation... Read More →
avatar for Mathilde Riou

Mathilde Riou

Visual facilitator, The Urban Mycelium
avatar for Mustafa Sherif

Mustafa Sherif

Urbanistica Podcast host, Placemaking Sweden Director, Urban Planner Studio Manager AFRY Stockholm.

Samir Amin

Project Manager, ISOCARP Institute: Centre for Urban Excellence

Alice Jelmini

Project Assistant, ISOCARP Institute
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

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