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Welcome to Placemaking Week Europe 2024 - Rotterdam Edition!
Local Power & the Battle for Space clear filter
Tuesday, September 24

16:00 CEST

City Tour: Rotterdam & its Intangible Neighbourhood Heritage (Wijkcollectie)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 16:00 - 17:30 CEST
Capacity: 17 people (first come, first served)

Starting point: Metrostation Delfshaven, 3026 RE Rotterdam
Ending Point: Metrostation Delfshaven, 3026 RE Rotterdam

The tour will be provided by the Neighbourhood Collection Foundation (stichting Wijkcollectie). They provide a platform for neighbourhood stories in Rotterdam and preserve them as the city's ‘intangible neighbourhood heritage’. In this way, stories are made visible, preserved and shared. Not with a large collection of stories as an end goal, but precisely to learn from those stories and use them to initiate connection and cooperation. Stories can inspire others, spark ideas and bring people together, that's why!  

On this tour, be inspired by the local heroes of Bospolder-Tussendijken, a Rotterdam city district where everything comes together. What do they experience here? What ideas do they have for the neighbourhood? And how do they make sure these ideas become reality?
Tuesday September 24, 2024 16:00 - 17:30 CEST
Metrostation Delfshaven Metrostation Delfshaven, 3026 RE Rotterdam
Wednesday, September 25

11:45 CEST

Improvising the City with Street Scene Theatrics
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
The aim of the "Improvising the City with Street Scene Theatrics" workshop is to empower participants with innovative tools for community collaboration through the fusion of improvisational theatre and placemaking principles. Inspired by Jane Jacobs' insight that a good sidewalk's "ballet" is filled with improvisations, this session seeks to enhance participants' ability to engage with diverse community actors in creating vibrant, dynamic public spaces.

By integrating the foundational improv rules—such as "Yes, And...," "Make Statements," and "Support Your Scene Partners"—into the placemaking process, participants will develop skills to think creatively, respond adaptively, and build trust within their communities. The workshop includes interactive improv games and group activities that encourage spontaneity, teamwork, and playful problem-solving.

Through theatrical-improvised scenes, attendees will experience firsthand how these techniques can be applied to real-world placemaking scenarios, fostering a collaborative spirit and generating fresh, inclusive ideas for urban design. Ultimately, the workshop aims to equip urban planners, community organizers, and placemakers with the confidence and creativity to transform public spaces into thriving community hubs.
avatar for Ryan Smolar

Ryan Smolar

Co-Director, PlacemakingUS
avatar for T.J., Mcquire

T.J., Mcquire

Senior Urban Designer, Evergreen Canada
@tjhfx on twitter and instagram
avatar for Helene Gallis

Helene Gallis

Senior Advisor on social sustainability, Fragment AS
Helene Gallis is a Norwegian awardwinning entrepreneur, environmentalist and placemaker. Her work focusses on green public spaces that facilitates diverse stakeholder interaction while increasing urban biodiversity. Her experience includes international research projects, consultancy... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Inspiratie (Ground Floor) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

11:45 CEST

Let's Picnic: Unlock the City, Discover the Library!
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Join us for a walk taking us in unexpected directions and ending in a picnic where we'll sit together, share food and ideas, and create a temporary space where we imagine the city as the future library. This is an exploration of how we harvest and share the city's creativity, knowledge, imagination, and stories.

What if you didn’t see the library as a building, but as a function, with the city as its biotope, where citizens are active curators of local knowledge?

Picture yourself as a future librarian, using all your senses to gather knowledge during our walk, deciding what makes it into your unique library collection. What do you see, smell, hear, taste, and feel that fits in your library? And what is the sixth sense of the library?

As permanent knowledge hubs, libraries can ensure continuity in placemaking processes, contributing to collective intelligence. With this walkshop, we aim to gain valuable experience to use with the Ministry of Imagination and in the future central library of Reykjavik.

The picnic setup creates the informal context that enables respectful dialogue and leads to meaningful interactions. Put your blanket down, take your shoes off, have a drink, and share your ideas!

Martyna Karolina Daniel

Reykjavik City Library

Dögg Sigmarsdóttir

Reykjavik City Library

Jan David Hanrath

Minister / Architect, Ministerie van Verbeelding

Florian de Visser

Ministry of Imagination

Rob Bruijnzeels

Ministry of Imagination
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Outdoor Point 2 Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

14:30 CEST

(Do Not) Curb Your Creativity: The Potential of Storytelling & Digitalization in Placemaking Our Streets
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Ever Mixed Analogue and Digital Placemaking?

In this workshop, we bring together two innovative placemaking approaches: the storytelling techniques of STR.AAT and the digital curbside solutions of Coding the Curbs. Both methods have successfully transformed streets across Europe into multifunctional spaces where mobility and social activities thrive side by side.

For the first time, we’re combining these approaches, and you’ll be the first to experiment with this unique mix. You won’t just learn about these methods—you’ll actively try them out yourself. By sharing your own placemaking experiences, you’ll help us refine and enhance these approaches. This workshop is about more than just learning—it’s about contributing to overcoming the challenges and limitations of our solutions.

Are you ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible? Join us in this experimental session and come prepared with one question in mind:
What is the most memorable moment you’ve ever experienced on the street where you currently live? Why?

Get ready to mix, learn, and experiment.
avatar for Koos Fransen

Koos Fransen

Koos is the founder of the urban think and do tank STR.AAT, working on the intersection of storytelling and public space.With STR.AAT, he sets up socio-cultural projects such as Straatart (imagining young people's lived experiences through streetart), De verhalenkaravaan (collecting... Read More →
avatar for Fenja Günther

Fenja Günther

Operations and Marketing Coordinator, Coding the Curbs
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
New Lab Music Studio 's-Gravendijkwal 58-b, 3014 EE Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

LGBTQ+ Storytelling
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Mezzanine (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

Popping the Right Question (Pt. 1: New Lab Little, Pt 2: Outdoors)
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Note: This session begins inside New Lab Little for a 30-minute presentation and will then venture outdoors. Please dress accordingly in case of rain.

How do we start quality conversations about public spaces and places? Join our workshop if you’d like to pick up tips on becoming a better interviewer. You will learn how a biased interviewer steers the conversation, but a thoughtful Placemaker lets the subject take the lead. 

Let’s put our methods to the test in the streets of Rotterdam.

We start with a crash course in “how to have a discussion and ask people about their city” before hitting the streets to conduct the experiment. Afterwards, we can reflect on the experience and exchange feedback and learnings.

Whether it’s a quick question, an interview or an informal discussion there are some basic principals you can follow. Martha and Moa have put together their collective experience as Placemakers to help you become more comfortable in talking to people about their public spaces.
avatar for Moa Sundberg

Moa Sundberg

Urban designer, Helsingborgs stad
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
New Lab @ HBS

14:30 CEST

Workshop - Placemaking - Is It the New Movement Pill?
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Join us for an engaging and interactive session titled "Placemaking - is it the new movement pill? Through the session we will aim to answer the question - Where is the Place of Physical Activity and Active Recreation in Placemaking?"

Through the interaction session the participants will discover the powerful intersection between placemaking and physical activity and how it can enhance community well-being. This session will explore the scarcity of initiatives that integrate active recreation into public spaces and address the barriers preventing their development.

Through a blend of interactive discussions and hands-on mind mapping activities, you will:

- Understand the link between your work and healthy/active placemaking.
- Position you and your existing work in placemaking into the health-enhancing physical activity placemaking.
- Help us create a case study/advocacy piece for HEPA that would travel across borders and sectors.
- Participate in a collaborative mind mapping exercise designed to brainstorm practical solutions and strategies for creating healthy, active places.
- Reflect on shared ideas and develop actionable plans that you can implement in your own communities.

Your hosts for this session are, Laska Nenova, Vivian Doumpa, and Cynthia Debono, bring a wealth of experience and innovative approaches to this critical topic. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with urban planners, public health experts, city administration and community leaders, and to be part of a movement towards healthier, more vibrant public spaces. We look forward to mind mapping the place of physical activity in placemaking interventions with you.

#ActivePlacemaking #UrbanHealth
avatar for Laska Nenova

Laska Nenova

Board Member for Placemaking Europe, Placemaking Europe, BG Be Active
Laska Nenova - managing director of BG Be Active Association Bulgaria with over 25 years of experience in marketing, campaigns, social impact, and advocacy across multiple sectors and countries
avatar for Cynthia Debono

Cynthia Debono

Director, MOVE
avatar for Vivian Doumpa

Vivian Doumpa

Co-Founder, Coordinator, Creativity Platform NGO - Tópio Program
Vivian Doumpa is an urban planner and geographer from Thessaloniki, Greece living and working between Greece and the Netherlands. She is  coordinator of Tópio, a project by Creativity Platform NGO, where together with her team she works as a creative placemaker, with a special focus... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
New Lab Dance Studio 's-Gravendijkwal 58-b, 3014 EE Rotterdam, Netherlands

15:15 CEST

Whose Space Is It Anyway? Navigating Through Fair & Inclusive Public Spaces
Wednesday September 25, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Join us for an engaging and dynamic session titled "Whose Space Is It Anyway? Navigating Through Fair and Inclusive Public Spaces." This session begins with a short presentation followed by an interactive discussion, where we will explore the critical question of who owns public space. We'll delve into the complexities of balancing diverse interests for integrated development and creating fair living environments.

This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of public space ownership, equitable access, and integrated development. Through interactive discussions, participants will have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue about balancing competing interests to ensure fair and sustainable urban environments.

By attending, you'll learn practical strategies for fostering inclusive public spaces and gain inspiration for your own projects. Don't miss this chance to be part of an important conversation on the future of our shared urban environments!

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Faye Ellen

Founder, Arttenders B.V.
Wednesday September 25, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

16:15 CEST

Activating Local Communities with the Kiezlabor
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 16:45 CEST
Explore the impact of the Kiezlabor, a mobile tiny house designed to drive digital and socio-ecological transformation in Berlin’s neighborhoods. For six months each year, the Kiezlabor brings a dynamic, participatory program to different communities, featuring hands-on workshops, meetups, and exhibitions that engage both residents and local authorities.

In this session, we’ll take you behind the scenes of our journey across Berlin, delving into the unique challenges and stories of each location. We’ll share the strategies that have successfully activated communities, the lessons we've learned along the way, and the collaborative efforts with local leaders that have fostered meaningful change. You’ll see how the Kiezlabor creates informal, inclusive spaces where citizens can connect and engage on equal terms.

Whether you’re an experienced placemaker or just starting out, this session will equip you with the insights and inspiration needed to revitalize your own neighborhood and foster stronger community ties.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Anne-Kristin Kruse

Anne-Kristin Kruse

Project Lead Kiezlabor, CityLAB Berlin
Anne Kruse arbeitet zu Stadtentwicklung, Beteiligung und Smart Cities. Aktuell arbeitet sie an dem Konzept, der Planung und Programmumsetzung für das Kiezlabor vom CityLAB. Sie ist außerdem Teil des Teams der Berliner Smart City- und Digitalstrategie Gemeinsam Digital: Berlin. Zuvor... Read More →
avatar for Carolin Clausnitzer

Carolin Clausnitzer

Public Engagement Manager, CityLAB Berlin
Ihr Herz schlägt für den Kontext Stadt und dafür, die Stadtgestalter:innen von heute und morgen zu befähigen, ihren Lebensraum ko-kreativ und hands-on mitzugestalten. Von Design Thinking, über Physical Computing bis hin zu urbaner Medienkunst – mit ihrem umfangreichen Werkzeugkoffer... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 16:45 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

16:15 CEST

Colour Portal: a walk tuning into the chromatics of place
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Colour Portal is an active, explorative, sensorial and creative colour encounter to tune into the chromatics of place. Utilising colour mapping, sensory poetics and lucid documentation. We will tune into the full spectrum of place connection and imagination that colour is a portal into.

Inside the Colour Portal we will:
❥ Invite a series of chromatic encounters to sense and experience colour in new ways.
❥ Work with lucid multimedia documentation.
❥ Consider colour as creativity, culture, care, art, design, materiality, ecology, activation and more.
❥ Spotlight the power and potential of colour as a multi-faceted element of placemaking.

Expect a gently paced and contemplative walk with time to explore and pause; sense alone and share insights together. Tools of documentation (note/sketchbooks, cameras etc) are welcome.

With Cath Colour Carver – artist, broadcaster, colour experience facilitator, curator and writer from London. Cath is the founder of interdisciplinary arts and research practice Colour Your City, which is centred in colour and place via the sensory, spatial, social and imaginal.

avatar for Cath Carver

Cath Carver

Artist, Founder, Colour Your City + COLOURWORXX
I'm an artist, broadcaster, colour experience facilitator, curator and writer from London. The interdisciplinary arts and research practice Colour Your City is a big part of my place work. It centres on colour and place via the sensory, spatial, social and imaginal. I work with colour... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Outdoor Point 2 Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

17:00 CEST

From Neglect to Connection: Digital Placemaking for Palestinian Minority in Israel
Wednesday September 25, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
Join me in this dynamic session that explores how digital placemaking is transforming neglected public spaces in Palestinian Arab towns within Israel. You'll discover the journey of the Qalb-Al-Balad project, which began as a pilot initiative and is now evolving into a comprehensive placemaking movement led by community members, youth activists, and civil society. This session will reveal the unique challenges and innovative solutions encountered while revitalizing spaces neglected due to political discrimination.

I will also share my personal journey from volunteering in the pilot project to becoming a master’s student whose thesis focuses on digital placemaking, using this project as a case study. Today, as an activist architect, social entrepreneur, and MEPI Alumna, I’ve transitioned from a volunteer to the project coordinator at ACAP, leading this initiative with a deep commitment to my community.

This is an opportunity to learn from a project that bridges the gap between physical and digital spaces and fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment within a marginalized community. This session will offer practical insights into engaging marginalized communities through digital technologies and co-creating public spaces that reflect their identity. Let’s discuss, share, and imagine new possibilities for placemaking in challenging environments!

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
Wednesday September 25, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam
Thursday, September 26

11:45 CEST

In Her Footsteps: A Human Library Walkshop
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
A dynamic session combining 'walkshop' and 'human library' experiences offering tools and strategies for fostering public participation and leadership in creating gender-inclusive, movement-friendly public spaces.

Explore parks, playspaces, market squares, and streets, using a free public tool to assess their quality, inclusivity, and movement-friendliness. Along the way, 'check out' books from our human library to gain insights from personal stories and professional experiences:

• STEPS TO CHANGE by Karen van de Spek, Municipality of Rotterdam, discusses how to improve walkability and safety for women by integrating gender perspectives and local insights.
• EMPOWERMENT AT PLAY by Lore Cuypers, Vital Cities HOWEST, and BRAVE explores how action research and co-creation can empower girls to transform public spaces for sport and leisure.
• FEMINIST PLAY by Nourhan Bassam, author and founding director of "The Gendered City," shares insights from her global work on feminist spatialities and the Women After Dark Project.
• A TACTICAL GAME by Laska Nenova, BG Active and Placemaking Europe board member, highlights temporary, low-cost methods to create vibrant public spaces that encourage movement.

Matt Roebuck from the Netherlands' Knowledge Center for Sport and Exercise will host the session, introducing the Center’s ‘Building Blocks for Movement-Friendly Environments’ and the 'Inclusive Movement-Friendly Environment Scan'.
avatar for Lore Cuypers

Lore Cuypers

Head of research Vital Cities, Co-founder of BRAVE
Lore her expertise lies in socio-spatial research, focusing on how physical and social environments affect behavior and healthy choices, especially in the context of the use of public space for sports, physical activity and leisure.In 2018, she founded the Vital Cities research group... Read More →
avatar for Laska Nenova

Laska Nenova

Board Member for Placemaking Europe, Placemaking Europe, BG Be Active
Laska Nenova - managing director of BG Be Active Association Bulgaria with over 25 years of experience in marketing, campaigns, social impact, and advocacy across multiple sectors and countries
avatar for Nourhan Bassam

Nourhan Bassam

Founding Director, The Gendered City
"Nourhan Bassam is a feminist urbanist and architect with a Ph.D. in Urban Design and Placemaking. She is the founding director and author of The Gendered City, which began as a book and has grown into an organization dedicated to building gender-equal cities through feminist pla... Read More →
avatar for Matt Roebuck

Matt Roebuck

Specialist in Movement Friendly Environments, Kenniscentrum Sport en Bewegen (Knowledge Center for Sport and Physical Activity - Netherlands)
Matt takes academic research, policy and practical examples and turns them into accessible, applicable knowledge resources for professionals across the Netherlands. Originally from the U.K. Matt has a background across healthy place shaping, sport for development, public health, research... Read More →

Karen van der Spek

program coordinator Rotterdam Walks, City of Rotterdam
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Outdoor Point 1 Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

12:30 CEST

Nursing the Care
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
Can placemaking supports better aging, inspire new health professional vocation or even help us die with dignity?

Nursing the Care
Integrating health in Multi-Generational Community Living

Nursing the Care is a visionary initiative, set on weaving a seamless fabric of health services, care workers, and comprehensive care into existing residential spaces where they are most needed. By caring for the people that will take care of us we can create a positive loop effect that can include older adults and multiple generations. This is what we want to do in the social housing area of Axelborg in Denmark where approximately 603 residents live in 284 tenancies.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Jerome Picard

Jerome Picard

Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

14:30 CEST

Edicola - What Culture Do We Want To Be Capital Of?
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:00 CEST
The "Edicola" project by Line Culture and Associates Architecture reimagines traditional urban newsstands as vibrant community hubs, launched in the context of Bergamo Brescia being named the Italian Capital of Culture 2023. This project exemplifies innovative public space revitalization by turning small structures into dynamic focal points for social interaction and cultural engagement.

The session will explore the design philosophy and practical implementation of Edicola, highlighting how these structures integrate cultural, social, and economic elements to create multifunctional spaces. Through detailed case studies and discussions, participants will gain valuable insights into the significant impact of small-scale projects on urban environments.

Key aspects include:

1. Design Insights: The creative process of transforming newsstands into community spaces.
2. Community Engagement: How Edicola fosters social cohesion and supports local economies.
3. Collaborative Approaches: The importance of collaboration between architects, local artists, and city officials in realizing successful urban projects.
4. Practical Applications: Real-world examples and strategies for similar placemaking initiatives.

This session will showcase how the Edicola project sets new standards in urban design, contributing to more connected and livable cities through innovative, community-focused architecture, inspired by Bergamo Brescia's cultural leadership in 2023.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Mattia Carlo Cherubini

Cultural Consultant
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:00 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

14:30 CEST

Common Ground: Game Plans for Neighbourhood Co-Creation
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Initiating bottom-up change in the city through transforming neighbourhood spaces into places of collective production, use and governance entails multiple phases: forming a consortium of stakeholders, activating a space, addressing organisational, programmatic, design and governance aspects. Our session simulates a placemaking process facilitated in a two-phase interactive role-playing workshop that invites participants to create self-organised scenarios for co-design and co-governance of neighbourhood spaces.

Participants assume roles of urban actors with different interests and levels of influence. The session explores effective coalitions for bottom-up development and their ability to achieve communal goals. Imagine a game of “Clue”, but the mystery is “who will decide the fate of our common urban spaces?”.

The formed coalitions of actors co-create solutions for designing and governing neighbourhood common spaces that meet their communal needs. Following a card-game roadmap, they explore effective programmatic and design aspects that foment the sustainability of the common spaces over time.

The workshop inspires participants to pursue local change in their community and empowers them with skills and tools to achieve community-driven local development: from forming sustainable coalitions, to achieving their common visions through negotiations and trade-offs.


PhD Candidate | Architect, ISCTE- Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
avatar for Julia Barashkov

Julia Barashkov

PhD candidate, Delft University of Technology
Julia Barashkov(a), PhD candidate at Delft University of TechnologySpecialisation: Re-commoning urban governance through digital data urbanismBio: I'm Julia Barashkov(a), and as of April 2024, I am pursuing my PhD at TU Delft, under the guidance of Prof.dr.ir. Marijn Janssen and ... Read More →

Mihal Ronko

Architect, The Common Catalogue
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Gemaal op Zuid Orangerie

15:15 CEST

How to create a vibrant and lasting cultural district in a rapidly gentrifying city?
Thursday September 26, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Concrete Culture embeds art, culture, and technology permanently within urban developments. Using Koelhuis District Eindhoven as a leading example, this session highlights effective strategies for fostering permanent cultural and technological hubs within their urban contexts. Placemaking doesn’t have an end date; it is rather a continuous process that needs to be organised permanently on various levels.
Thursday September 26, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Hillevliet 90 Living Room (Ground Floor) Hillevliet 90, 3074 KD Rotterdam, Netherlands

15:15 CEST

Towards Community Cohesion: The Power of Resident-Led Walks
Thursday September 26, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
This session provides a case study of Jane’s Walk - a rare example of placemaking that is truly community-driven. It sees everyday residents and city-dwellers – rather than just planners and architects – as the true experts on their cities and neighbourhoods. It acts on the idea that cities can and should be self-organised, by encouraging residents to lead their own walking tours on any topic they like, and encouraging cities around the globe to lead their own Jane’s Walk festivals in whatever way they see fit.

In this session, you will learn how Jane’s Walk has established itself as a global, grassroots, community-led initiative. We will share stories and anecdotes on the power it has to build connections across the 500+ cities in which it operates, celebrating the legacy of Jane Jacobs and her contributions to urban studies and city planning.

Come and get inspired by this movement – a simple yet incredibly effective means of fostering vibrant and inclusive cities. You might discover new perspectives and principles to apply in your own placemaking endeavours.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Celia Beketa

Co-Chair, Jane's Walk

Carlos Aranha

Global Partnerships, Jane's Walk
Thursday September 26, 2024 15:15 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Steps Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

16:15 CEST

Building Creative Cities: a Practitioner’s Guide to Reclaiming Space for Arts and Culture in Cities and the Public Realm
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Cities around the world, often face a chronic shortage of affordable creative space for makers, artists, musicians and creatives. And, what little space that is left, is often being taken over for development forcing creatives away from their existing communities in a perpetual cycle. Yet quite often, space that could be utilised for vibrant creative use is hiding in plain sight; from vacant buildings, offices and retail shops to carparks, laneways and the public realm.

In this panel you’ll heart about several incredible urban space transformation projects, led by art communities and placemaking practitioners from around the world and how they create and incubate community, build interesting bridges and connections, infuse creative ideas and develop incredibly vibrant partnerships that make our cities wonderful places to live.
You’ll hear about tips and tricks for working with landlords, building owners and statutory authorities, temporary intervention models and unique ‘meanwhile use’ of vacant space, ‘bending the rules’ as well as long term governance and funding models.

Hear from Trans Europe Halls, one of the largest and oldest cultural networks in Europe, and a pioneer organisation worldwide when it comes to retrofitting abandoned urban spaces for arts and culture as well as several practitioners from Australia, the UK and France in an inspiring panel session.
avatar for Andrew Coward

Andrew Coward

Director, Reactivate Consulting

Mieke Renders

Managing Director, Trans Europe Halles
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Independent School for the City

16:15 CEST

Creative Placemaking: Development Without Displacement Through Art & Culture
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Many communities have enjoyed the benefits of new development leveraging art and culture, or creative placemaking (CPM), but have also seen the pitfalls, such as displacement. Millions of people around the globe are annually displaced due to wars/conflict, natural disasters, and economic instability.   But displacement also occurs from new real estate development that can bring welcome amenities and new energy to a neighborhood.  New development can also drive property values and rents up, forcing out those less able to pay, often vulnerable, diverse populations.
 This session raises awareness about advertent and inadvertent displacement in the built environment and strategies, leveraging art and culture, to avoid displacement. Studies have shown that cities or places that are diverse and inclusive outperform others that are not. So avoiding or limiting displacement is essential for successful place-led development.

 Participants will gain knowledge through research, case studies, and interactive Q&A about CPM best practices and how to employ them to enhance the value of place and deliver benefits that accrue to all stakeholders - community residents and businesses, developers and their partners, and government. Delivered by a panel of subject matter experts living and working in the US and Europe, this session looks back for historical context and lessons learned, and forward to a possible future pregnant with vibrant, healthy places.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Juanita Hardy

Juanita Hardy

ULI Senior Visiting Fellow for Creative Placemaking, Urban Land Institute
Juanita Hardy is the ULI Senior Visiting Fellow for Creative Placemaking. Her work will support the Institute’s Building Healthy Places Initiative by deepening and broadening ULI’s focus on creative placemaking in its content and program areas, and through its District Council... Read More →
avatar for Renee Schoonbeek

Renee Schoonbeek

Senior Adviseur Stations & Stedelijke Ontwikkeling, Arcadis Nederland B.V.
I am a result-driven urban planner a with a wealth of experience in both public and private sectors. I am uniquely qualified in community-based planning, urban placemaking, and building public-private partnerships while delivering large complex projects and engaging diverse stakeholders... Read More →

Raquel Mideau

Director of Marketing, NINE dot ARTS
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Sanctuaries of Belonging: The Power of Inclusive Safe Spaces
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Creating safe spaces is crucial for fostering genuine connection and a sense of community. This thought-provoking panel will explore the transformative power of inclusive safe spaces, focusing on both the design of these environments and the personal experiences they cultivate. The discussion will examine how intentional efforts in designing safe spaces allow individuals to speak openly and authentically, alongside the lived experiences of those who inhabit them. By exploring diverse perspectives, the session will highlight how different individuals and communities define and experience these sanctuaries. Join us for a dynamic discussion that will challenge your understanding of what it means to create environments where everyone feels valued, protected, and truly at home.

Fredrik Lindstål

Former Deputy Mayor in Stockholm

Amina Hussen

Stichting Krachtvrouwen

Stephanie Afrifa

Celestial Space Project

Marjolein Vermeulen

De Nacht Club
avatar for Nourhan Bassam

Nourhan Bassam

Founding Director, The Gendered City
"Nourhan Bassam is a feminist urbanist and architect with a Ph.D. in Urban Design and Placemaking. She is the founding director and author of The Gendered City, which began as a book and has grown into an organization dedicated to building gender-equal cities through feminist pla... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Gemaal op Zuid Main Space

16:15 CEST

Participatory Urban Design with Augmented Reality
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:45 CEST
Reimagine the Keilepand area together using real-time augmented reality (AR)! Ahead of Metvibee's planned launch in October, we're hosting a workshop at the Placemaking Week Europe where you can experience how AR can contribute to urban co-design.

This workshop uses collaborative AR functions of Metvibee where participants can draw and place objects (street furniture etc.) and see live updates of the co-design.

After that, we'll end the workshop with a deeper discussion on the challenges and opportunities of using AR in participatory city making, how power relations can be challenged and addressed by AR, and how an AR tool's user experience and interface can be more inclusive and contribute towards mainstreaming participatory design in how cities are developed.
avatar for Raphaela Mak

Raphaela Mak

Trans-disciplinary artist and entrepreneurCEO and co-founder of Metvibee - https://www.metvibee.com
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:45 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall
Friday, September 27

11:45 CEST

The Art of Tranquil Placemaking
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Have you ever considered to do nothing in a place? To strenghten the tranquility, quietness and natural serenity? What exactly would you do? How would you define tranquility and what it means to people visiting a place?

Dive into the art of creating tranquil public spaces during our workshop, learning about the factors underpinning tranquility. We draw upon over 6 years of working experience in the field and developing tools, theories, instruments, and policies from national to local level. Based on an extensive cooperation between Flanders and the Netherlands, we explore the essence of serene spaces for both individual well-being and community vitality.

The absence of tranquility can exacerbate health issues, with noise pollution ranking as the second leading cause of environmental-related health problems. Through an immersive outdoor activitie, participants will analyse firsthand the impact of various sounds on their well-being. By examining case studies and engaging in practical exercises, attendees will gain insights into crafting environments conducive to tranquility, fostering healthier and more harmonious communities "a perfect balance between peaceful and vibrant places“.

Join our workshop and get into action creating more tranquil places as a counter movement to busier public spaces.
avatar for Bart Cardinaal

Bart Cardinaal

Place maker, archtect, HUNC
avatar for Martine Sluijs

Martine Sluijs

Citymaker/Parkmaker Healthy landscapes and cities, PIP & Partners
Park- city and culture maker. Expert in healthy cities, National Park Cities, and creating calm, tranquil places. 
avatar for Kaat Smets

Kaat Smets

Policy advisor, Flemish Department of Environment & Spatial Development
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis Terrace Picnic Tables 51.907499, 4.430716 Nieuw Mathenesse, Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

High Ground: Shaping Rooftops into Urban Sustainability Spaces
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Flat rooftops offer a wealth of underutilised, high-potential space in urban environments worldwide. In Rotterdam, both temporary and permanent initiatives have begun to transform these spaces into vibrant hubs of urban sustainability. 

The cultural organisation 'Rotterdam Rooftop Days' explores this potential through their creative programming, showcased in the eponymous annual festival. In this session, we will visit a centrally located Rotterdam rooftop currently awaiting large-scale redevelopment. 

Participants will delve into the history of the site and its surroundings, while also exploring future plans for the site. Together, we will envision placemaking possibilities that emphasise community engagement, urban biodiversity, and enriching urban development through cultural programming. 

Accessibility Info: location requires participants to climb stairs

Nikki Kamps

Rotterdamse Dakendagen

Dean Black

dean.black@architecturefoundation.ie, Irish Architecture Foundation
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Roodkapje Garage Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

The Hague Placemakers Collective
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
The Hague Placemaking Collective will present past, present and future placemaking projects of 6 active and diverse collaborators in the fields of art, design, architecture, making, activism and public space. Placemaking for us is building healthy social ecosystems. To create spaces where people feel at home, grow and inspire each other. Together we explore our place in the system, our common ground and how we enhance our impact.

Inspirations, ideas, visions as well as questions to public and third spaces. A high diversity of a dynamically composed group of creatives sharing approaches, tryouts, stories and failures we all learnt from. For others to explore their own passion and enthusiasm for existing but sleeping spaces, places and cities.

A colourful, energetic & inspiring presentation session with brief intro of each group, 20 slides long presentations, and an outro with Q&A option.

Jan Körbes

Public space/architecture

Steven van Lummel

Placemaking/cultuur, PIP

Willemijn de Boer

Placemaking/social ecosystems, Anna Spaces

Michiel Corver

Street art/placemaking, Corver&Co

Damian van der Velden

Art/placemaking, Grofwegarchitetcen
avatar for Laressa Mulder

Laressa Mulder

Kwartiermaker a.k.a. Spacemaker, AnnA Space to be
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Inspiratie (Ground Floor) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

14:30 CEST

The Place Man & Local Heroes from the Netherlands
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Our session will include a screening of "The Place Man" (19 min), highlighting Fred Kent's contributions to the placemaking movement. After the film, a panel discussion on "Local Power & The Battle for Place" will feature experts sharing strategies for community-driven urban transformation. This session will explore how communities can reclaim public spaces and empower local stakeholders, offering actionable insights into fostering local power.

The people of Buurland have shown that anyone can be a placemaking hero. They turned an area slated for demolition into a thriving community in Utrecht. Even after vacating in October 2023, Buurland's residents successfully negotiated with the municipality for a potential comeback. The session will explore Buurland's inspiring journey, highlighting the roles of collaboration, leadership, and resilience in creating vibrant communities. Through Qendresa and other residents' stories, attendees will gain tangible insights into community empowerment and sustainable development.

This session at PWE '24 is essential, offering a mix of inspiration and practical advice. The documentary provides a compelling narrative, while the panel discussion offers concrete steps for participants to implement in their own communities. Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired and equipped for impactful change
avatar for Guillermo Bernal

Guillermo Bernal

Executive Director, The Place Institute
Guillermo Bernal is a global leader in the placemaking movement, with over a decade of experience in transforming public spaces into vibrant community hubs. He is the Founding Director of Fundación Placemaking México and Executive Director of The Place Institute, organizations that... Read More →
avatar for Ethan Kent

Ethan Kent

Executive Director, PlacemakingX
Ethan Kent works to support public space organizations, projects, and leadership around the world to build a global placemaking movement. Ethan has traveled to more than 1000 cities and 60 countries to advance the cause of leading urban development with inclusive public spaces and... Read More →

Qendresa Rexhepi

Urban Social Designer, nice here. & Sparks
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Independent School for the City

14:30 CEST

Voices from the South - Placemaking Latin America
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
The panel will present different perspectives on the actions of the Placemaking Latin America Network, established in 2017, which brings together more than 300 professionals, activists, and academics, and has already held 6 international meetings. 

The panel focuses on the views of different stakeholders regarding the possibilities of small-scale transformation of the Latin American reality, a continent marked by enormous social contrasts where citizen urbanism is a powerful tool for altering the status quo. In this context, the particularities of placemaking in Latin America are highlighted in relation to the Global North. Citizen urbanism will be discussed by different voices - academia, civil society organizations, government, international organizations - from different countries - Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama - a plurality of contexts that, however, reveal common challenges and weaknesses. 

Challenged by great inequalities and scarce resources, citizen urbanism emerges as a tool for local transformation, within the reach of the communities themselves. A small-scale action, carried out in collaboration with citizens in less favored contexts, has the potential to go far beyond "space activation”. 

From the South, we come to open the conversation about the political potential of citizen urbanism, exploring from different cases what is the capacity for social, environmental, economic, and cultural transformation.
avatar for Elizabeth Gómez Ibarra

Elizabeth Gómez Ibarra

Diseñadora Industrial por la Universidad de Guadalajara y docente de apreciación del arte en el centro universitario UTEG. Auxiliar docente de la asignatura "Análisis de la factibilidad" en la Universidad de Guadalajara.
avatar for Milagros Hurtig

Milagros Hurtig

Researcher, NTNU
avatar for Elena Rodriguez

Elena Rodriguez

avatar for Adriana Sansao Fontes

Adriana Sansao Fontes

Architect and Professor, UFRJ

Betty Chemier

Head of Experimentation, UNDP Accelerator Labs
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Roodkapje Poster Hall Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Culture as a Connecting Force
Friday September 27, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
This session explores how diverse cultural forces connect communities and enrich city life, with a focus on their role in transitional spaces and area development. We’ll examine how nightlife, urban street culture, and cultural districts contribute to vibrant, interconnected urban environments.

The discussion will highlight how these elements—from dynamic nightlife and public art to festivals and cultural institutions—create a shared sense of belonging and strengthen community ties. We’ll also address the importance of preserving cultural identity during urban transitions, ensuring that culture remains integral to area development. By exploring how these forces shape the urban fabric, this session reveals the profound impact of culture in bridging divides and enhancing the collective city experience.

Join us to discover how these cultural dimensions contribute to a more connected, lively, and resilient urban landscape.
avatar for Gregorio Scarpella

Gregorio Scarpella

Director, GCDN
Greg is the Director of the Global Cultural Districts Network (GCDN), a dynamic membership organization of over 60 international cultural districts with a mission to improve the quality of urban life through the arts, culture and creative industries.As Director of GCDN, Greg is responsible... Read More →
avatar for Jeff van Hoek

Jeff van Hoek

Operator Radio
One of the most active figures that Rotterdam has to offer, Jeff Solo has been steadily working as a DJ, producer and event programmer for over a decade. With an extensive array of genres at his command, ranging from experimental and leftfield house & electronics to techno, slowbeat... Read More →
avatar for Kim Nguyen

Kim Nguyen

DJ and member of the N8W8, N8W8
Kim Nguyen is a member of the N8W8, Rotterdam’s independent night council, where she bridges nightlife and urban planning, working on urban redevelopment and new creative spaces to make nightscapes more inclusive and vibrant. Passionate about revitalizing forgotten urban spaces... Read More →
avatar for Lizzie Ward

Lizzie Ward

Director, We Make Places CIC
Lizzie is an experienced community engagement practitioner, who has spent more than a decade dedicated to co-creating spaces with local citizens. As an active Director for We Make Places CIC, Researcher and Freelancer, Lizzie leads on a range of international programmes focused on... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Roodkapje Black Box Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Public Space Detective Walkshop
Friday September 27, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Like most Western cities, Rotterdam aims to be hospitable and inclusive—a city where everybody feels welcome, has the opportunity to participate in public life and can move around freely and safely, regardless of race, gender, or age. How is this ambition reflected in Rotterdam's public spaces?
Join the Public Space Detective Walkshop led by Floor van Ditzhuyzen (urban researcher) and Pedro Gil Farias(interaction designer) to explore, question, and discuss the (im)possibility of a city for all.

Pedro Farias

Design researcher / Media Artist, Humankind / independent
Friday September 27, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Roodkapje Garage Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands

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