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Welcome to Placemaking Week Europe 2024 - Rotterdam Edition!
Living With Water clear filter
Tuesday, September 24

16:00 CEST

City Tour: Rotterdam & its Waterfronts
Tuesday September 24, 2024 16:00 - 17:30 CEST
Capacity: 2 groups of 15 people (first come, first served)

Starting point: Wilhelminaplein, under the bridge at the quay
Ending Point: Metrostation Leuvehaven

The Rondje Bruggen is a popular running route that runs along the north and south banks of the Maas and no fewer than three iconic bridges: the Erasmus Bridge, the Willems Bridge and the Koninginne Bridge. There are great opportunities to develop the area into a river park. Where you can relax for a while, with a beautiful view of the river. Where you can meet friends or meet new people. Where you can muse on a bench, exercise outside or just take a walk. Where you can eat your sandwich or drink a cup of coffee during the break. This is already clearly visible in some places and good use is also made of public space. In other places, a lot still needs to be done to make the space attractive for use. Take a 'bridging tour' and discuss your ideas and experiences with us and each other.
Tuesday September 24, 2024 16:00 - 17:30 CEST
Wilhelminaplein Wilhelminaplein, under the footbridge at the quay
Wednesday, September 25

14:30 CEST

Waterfront Worldbuilding: Playful Placemaking for Critical Futures
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Drawing tools from the world of speculative design and filmmaking, join us to gaze out across the water, imagining a world on the shores of a distant future where the waterfront shapes new ways to experience nature and culture in the city.

The built environment as a sector often fails to take a critical long-term view on placemaking, designing for ‘here-and-now’, developing places which can become redundant as soon as they’re built. Waterfront placemaking will be hit especially hard, as sea-level rises impact billions around the world.

We will introduce placemakers to the value of building long term futures-thinking into their process, providing you with tools to become more critical, confident, and imaginative.

The session combines a workshop and a walk. Drawing from tools from our work on Collective Place Futures, we’ll share our unique ‘worldbuilding blueprint’ to create a palette of future places, characters, artefacts and rituals from which you create a news report from the future waterfront. We will then take a walk along the waterfront, to play out our future news report on-location.

While place foresight is serious business, our process takes us there through serious play!
avatar for Tess Redburn

Tess Redburn

Creative Strategist, The Place Bureau
avatar for Rosanna Vitiello

Rosanna Vitiello

Bureau Chief, The Place Bureau
Founder of research, strategy and design studio The Place Bureau, Rosanna is a creative director and urban strategist focusing on public places, cultures and experience design. Her work unlocks the power and potential of place through cultural insights and narrative-led design, partnering... Read More →

Gemma Jones

Futures, Culture, Semiotics, The Place Bureau
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Outdoor Point 2 Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam

17:00 CEST

Hanging Gardens of Berlin
Wednesday September 25, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
In this panel discussion I will present a self-initiated project called "Hanging Gardens of Berlin.”

This session offers an alternative perspective on creating green public spaces: by reusing an existing body of water, purifying it and turning the whole area into a living food system.

The participants get an insight into the world of biologically grown fungi-based materials and their potential for creating future public spaces. We will also explore bio-remediation strategies of reusing existing water in our ever thirstier cities.

The presented project is a proposal for a community garden suspended from the ‘Landwehrkanal’, a waterway that runs 10km through Berlin. Anyone interested can grow their own food here, using only water from the canal for irrigation.

In the same process the canal’s water is purified through bio-remediation, letting the entire area become a thriving eco system.

The pots that make up the garden are biologically grown from a fungi-based material.

By presenting this community-based food infrastructure, I invite participants to re-examine our social expectations around both food and water, while proposing ways for creating new spaces of coexistence.

Ruzica Jovanovic

Architect, rouge
Wednesday September 25, 2024 17:00 - 17:30 CEST
New Lab Little 's-Gravendijkwal 58-b, 3014 EE Rotterdam, Netherlands
Thursday, September 26

11:45 CEST

What Do You Think of Bridgekeepershouses? - Knowledge Session
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Koningsdam 1, 3011 TN Rotterdam

Bridge keepers' houses are increasingly lonely and empty because bridges are centrally controlled via cameras. As a result, the social role of the bridge keeper is increasingly being lost. These sympathetic, small spaces (and sometimes also enormous bridge cellars under the road surface) are increasingly gaining new meaning in the Netherlands as exhibition space, art/culture/community space, hairdresser, hotel room and more. Since 2012, the Bridge Keepers' Houses Foundation has built up various expertise in the field of knowledge center, projects and management and aims to give empty bridge keepers' houses in the Netherlands a new and sustainable purpose.

In the Netherlands we estimate that there are approximately 1000 bridge keepers' houses. But what about the rest of Europe?

The Bridge Keepers' Houses Foundation aims to give vacant bridge keepers' houses a new purpose in the Netherlands. We want to use the power of the Placemaking Community to come up with a new destination for one of the vacant bridge keepers' houses in Rotterdam. So we do a brainstorm on a very special location ship ramp ‘Koningspoort’ We involve the municipality of Rotterdam, which owns the bridge keeper's house, with multiple civil servants from different departments.
avatar for Marjan van Gerwen

Marjan van Gerwen

cultural entrepreneur, Stichting Brugwachtershuisjes
avatar for Lotti Hesper

Lotti Hesper

citymaker, Lotti Hesper makes abandoned places beautiful
make abandoned places beautiful with art, green and re-use of former bridgekeepers houses.www.lottihesper.nl & www.brugwachtershuisjes.nl
avatar for Gooitske Zijlstra

Gooitske Zijlstra

Placemaker, Zwolle - Stichting Brugwachtershuisjes
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Koningsdam - side activity Koningsdam 1, 3011 TN Rotterdam

14:30 CEST

InclusiveCity: Making Inclusive Third Spaces
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Inclusivity is the cornerstone of thriving urban spaces. It’s about creating environments
where everyone, regardless of background, ability, or identity, feels welcome and
valued. In cities, inclusivity is crucial, it fosters community, enhances quality of life, and
ensures that all residents can participate in and benefit from the vibrancy of urban life.
Rijnhaven, and more specifically Luxor Theatre are two of the most relevant locations in
Rotterdam when it comes to urban developments and leisure, and both are striving for
the implementation of inclusivity.

The session will begin inside the Luxor Theatre, where a speech from the theatres
general director will be held to share insights on how places like Café Dox are essential
for fostering diversity and connection. This will be held in the iconic Rijnfoyer, to allow
for a breathtaking view of Rijnhaven, and its new developments.

Following this speech, a second speaker will join to share more detailed insights on the
topic of inclusivity and its importance in society, with the goal of informing and sharing
knowledge from experts.

The second part of the session will be an interactive activity. This experience will allow
for the visitors to engage with inclusivity firsthand, and to explore activities that
challenge the understanding of accessibility, community engagement, and urban
design. It’s an opportunity to think creatively about how we can make Rijnhaven a space
where everyone feels they belong.
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Nieuwe Luxor Theatre Posthumalaan 1, 3072 AG Rotterdam
Friday, September 27

11:45 CEST

Waterfronts by the Cities in Placemaking Cities
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Lisette van Rhijn

Lisette van Rhijn

Strategy Advisor, Placemaking Europe & STIPO
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

Supporting Living Infrastructures: Co-Designing Nature Based Solutions for Waterfront Protection
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Citizen involvement in Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) creation improves societal effect. Citizen participation in NbS production is understudied, despite evidence that it may shift behaviour, raise awareness, and encourage sustainable solutions.
Attendees will use human-driven 3D printing to build concrete structures that can sustain reed growth and merge human and environmental demands. This DIY activity will address aquatic nature-based solutions and alternative public engagement methods. The concrete structures can be installed in freshwater lakes as shore protective units to enhance biodiversity and support ecological systems and to understand how active engagement can change community values.

At the end of the workshop, attendees can take home a pre-made scale model of the structure they helped manufacture as a token of their participation. The role of this token in creating value from the experience will be addressed in the concluding survey questions.

Ádám Szabó

Design Researcher, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Mezzanine (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

Waterfront Futures
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST

This interactive panel invites you to imagine how waterfronts and natural spaces can be transformed into vibrant, sustainable community hubs. A group of experts will share their insights on how thoughtful design and a multidisciplinary approach can shape these areas into spaces that not only bring people together but also care for the environment. They’ll discuss how to create places that blend nature with community life in ways that inspire a strong sense of place. Whether it's about designing spaces that encourage social interaction or  with cultural and creative incorporating elements that honor the local ecosystem, the conversation will highlight how we can reimagine our natural surroundings to serve

Note: This session will use headphones for audio 
avatar for Rosanna Vitiello

Rosanna Vitiello

Bureau Chief, The Place Bureau
Founder of research, strategy and design studio The Place Bureau, Rosanna is a creative director and urban strategist focusing on public places, cultures and experience design. Her work unlocks the power and potential of place through cultural insights and narrative-led design, partnering... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

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