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Welcome to Placemaking Week Europe 2024 - Rotterdam Edition!
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Wednesday, September 25

14:30 CEST

Small Big Stories: Co-designing an Inclusive City
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
This session explores  the role and potential of placemaking to drive social inclusion. We share insights of InclusiveCity, a DUT funded research project, exploring critical placemaking in 15 Minutes City transitions in 5 living labs across Europe  (Rotterdam, Oslo, Vienna, Rome and Budapest).  In a world with growing inequalities and urban challenges, it is necessary to dig into our daily practice as placemakers and review aspects of inclusion and trust, leaving no one behind. How can or cannot Placemaking be a tool to benefit local communities and create lasting social change?

InclusiveCity partners invite practitioners, academics, and decision makers to a collective discussion revising aspects of inclusion in public space design and placemaking projects. Concrete examples and tools will support the open dialogue, while the Theory of Change (ToC) framework will help to unpack the buzzwords of inclusion and participation.

What will you learn:
-Unpacking buzzwords by pinning placemaking to more complex community objectives
-Practical methods for bringing “invisible” voices and community assets into your work
-Critical reflections on placemaking and inclusion, to better distinguish “tokenism” vs real power redistribution towards the community and its needs.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio

Ariela de Oliveira

superwien urbanism zt GmbH

Roland Krebs

superwien urbanism zt GmbH
avatar for Levente Polyak

Levente Polyak

Director, Eutropian
Levente Polyak is urban planner, researcher, community advocate and policy adviser. After studying architecture at Budapest University of Technology, urbanism at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris and sociology at ELTE Budapest, and EHESS Paris, he was visiting lecturer at the Moholy-Nagy... Read More →
avatar for Milagros Hurtig

Milagros Hurtig

Researcher, NTNU
avatar for Helene Gallis

Helene Gallis

Senior Advisor on social sustainability, Fragment AS
Helene Gallis is a Norwegian awardwinning entrepreneur, environmentalist and placemaker. Her work focusses on green public spaces that facilitates diverse stakeholder interaction while increasing urban biodiversity. Her experience includes international research projects, consultancy... Read More →
avatar for Kim Weger

Kim Weger

Project Manager, Natural State
I work with participation and social inclusion, exploring how the theories of deliberative democracy can be applied within placemaking projects. At Natural State, I manage national and international projects connecting people, ideas, and research, and translating sustainability theories... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Local Actions, Lasting Vision: Building Places Together
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Join us for an insightful panel on applying placemaking to kickstart long-term and large-scale city projects. This session will reveal how diverse collaborations can drive the success and sustainability of urban projects. Participants will gain valuable insights into how global expertise, academic involvement, local government, artists, and community engagement can come together to drive lasting change.

The session will present the implementation of a pilot project that shows how a long-term and large-scale plan developed by the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro can begin to be translated into meaningful interventions at the neighbourhood level through placemaking and collaboration - featuring experts from the City of Rio de Janeiro, C40 Cities, Superwien Urbanism and LabIT/PROURB UFRJ on a project also supported by IDB.

Additionally, the Centre for Central European Architecture (CCEA) project "Prague Magistrala: Unlocking Potential of Urban Highways" will showcase the revitalization of a 20th-century transport corridor into the vibrant New Prague Boulevard, illustrating how infrastructure repurposing can enhance public spaces and foster community-driven democracy. The project started as a bottom-up initiative and is advocating for a better liveable place for local communities.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn practical strategies and innovative approaches for creating and sustaining vibrant urban spaces.

Matěj Draslar

agps Architecture
avatar for Aline Xavier

Aline Xavier

Architect - Planning Strategies Coordinator, Rio de Janeiro City Hall
avatar for Adriana Sansao Fontes

Adriana Sansao Fontes

Architect and Professor, UFRJ

Ariela de Oliveira

superwien urbanism zt GmbH

Roland Krebs

superwien urbanism zt GmbH
avatar for Vivian Monteiro Malta

Vivian Monteiro Malta

Urbanist and Architect, C40
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
New Lab Large Hall 's-Gravendijkwal 58-b, 3014 EE Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Patient Capital - Key to Social Sustainability
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Hans Karssenberg

Hans Karssenberg

Partner / Board Member, Stipo
Hans Karssenberg (1970) is founding partner of STIPO, an interdisciplinary team for better cities. He leads complex urban area development towards human scale, great public space, mixed use, sustainable and inclusive quality, always in close co-creation with all stakeholders. He is... Read More →
avatar for Clementine Robert

Clementine Robert

avatar for Theo Stauttener

Theo Stauttener

Partner, Stadkwadraat B.V.
Theo Stauttener (1967) leads projects, conducts negotiations and takes care of strategic development at location development. His focus is in financial management and risk management in developing new areas or restructuring. In addition, he works as a professor of various courses... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands
Thursday, September 26

11:45 CEST

Pioneering Culture-led Development
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Panel discussion to mark the launch of the book 'Heart, Head, Hands: A Guide for City Makers – Four Steps to Culture-led Development'. The book highlights the importance of cultural and creative spaces to the identity of cities and proposes a strategy for uniting real estate, culture, and government through a Culture-led Development framework.

This session will spotlight the framework's key stages: Initiate, Organize, Finance, Consolidate. After a short interview with the author Rinske Brand and the introduction of the framework, three pioneers in culture-led development (also showcased in the book) will share their stories and take questions from the audience. Their focus will be on exploring the keys success factors, navigating pitfalls, and distilling invaluable lessons learned during these culture-led developments.

Note: This session will use headphones for audio
avatar for Folkert van Hagen

Folkert van Hagen

Group A Architects

Charlotte Ernst

Hof van Cartesius
avatar for Gabrielle Muris

Gabrielle Muris

Werkspoorkwartier, Utrecht, Netherlands
avatar for Rinske Brand

Rinske Brand

Founder, BRAND The Urban Agency
Rinske Brand operates at the intersection of culture, society, and urban development. As an entrepreneur, researcher, author, and speaker, she contributes to forward-thinking insights and practices shaping the future of cities. She is the founder of BRAND The Urban Agency, serves... Read More →
avatar for Jerin Sage

Jerin Sage

Director of Placemaking, Flint, US,
Jerin Sage is a Flint born creative and multidisciplinary artist with over 20 years invested in bettering the greater Flint area through community building, innovation, and leadership. Jerin wears many hats… he is the Director of Placemaking at The What's Up Downtown Project, a... Read More →
avatar for Greg Fiedler

Greg Fiedler

President and CEO, Flint, US
has been CEO of GFAC for 30 years. Greg has 45 years of experience in corporate management and administration, 37 years of experience in non-profit management, and has been a performing artist for 58 years. He holds a BA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His experience includes... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Center Stage (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

11:45 CEST

SNFCC- Thinking Big & ‘Small’
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
How does a mega-project, in term of architecture, offering and visitation create meaningful micro- connections on a community level? The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center is housing two of Greece’s most historical institutions, the Greek National Opera and the National Library of Greece alongside one of the city’s’ newest and most innovative green areas, the Stavros Niarchos Park. Boasting its Renzo Piano state of the art premises and having expanded the city’s cultural map beyond the metropolitan center of Athens the SNFCC is simultaneously considered by many an extension of their house’s yard. Practices, experiments, and challenges in creating a landmark that feels like a place for all.
avatar for Athena Balopoulou

Athena Balopoulou

Chief Strategy & Development Officer, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC)

Christina Vasilikou

Chief Visitors Experience & Special Events Officer, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC)
avatar for Gabriella Triantafyllis

Gabriella Triantafyllis

Chief Programming & Production Officer, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC)
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis White Hall

14:30 CEST

Living Memories: Oral Histories and Urban Renewal Right to place - examples of Placemaking & Recovery of Historic Public Building
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
avatar for Akil Scafe Smith

Akil Scafe Smith

Director - Resolve Collective
Akil is a director of RESOLVE Collective, an interdisciplinary design collective that combines architecture, engineering, technology, and art to address social challenges. They have delivered numerous projects, workshops, publications, and talks in the UK and across the world, all... Read More →
avatar for Denean Rowe

Denean Rowe

Project Manager, Town and Country Planning Association
I am a project manager at the Town and Country Planning Association. My main duty is managing London's free advice service - Planning Aid for London. We provide free advice and training on Town Planning so that people from underserved communities can participate meaningfully in the... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Keilepand Mezzanine (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

14:30 CEST

Public & Private Sector: Making Placemaking Last
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
This session digs into the dynamics between the public and private sectors in sustainable placemaking. By examining cases from throughout Europe, we will critically assess the business case for placemaking, and what strategic partnerships can do to elevate local initiatives and foster sustainable change without losing touch with grassroots communities.

The panel will discuss:
-What role do businesses play in sustainable social infrastructure and tactical urbanism?
-Who is responsible for placemaking and how should its use and impact be measured?
-Can strategic public-private partnerships create places for people and drive positive change?
-How can we achieve sustainable long-term collaborations at the local level?

Through an interactive session with participants, we will explore the benefits and challenges of public-private partnerships, their impacts on communities, and strategies for achieving lasting positive outcomes. This will include a debate focussed on concrete examples of placemaking practice, exploring whether placemaking is repackaging existing offers or establishing a new discipline that challenges the status quo and promotes people-focused urban development.  Participants will gain insights into concrete examples of public-private partnerships, effective organizational models, and how to continue to manage partnerships over the long term.
avatar for Renee Schoonbeek

Renee Schoonbeek

Senior Adviseur Stations & Stedelijke Ontwikkeling, Arcadis Nederland B.V.
I am a result-driven urban planner a with a wealth of experience in both public and private sectors. I am uniquely qualified in community-based planning, urban placemaking, and building public-private partnerships while delivering large complex projects and engaging diverse stakeholders... Read More →
avatar for Gergana Ilieva

Gergana Ilieva

Architect, The Collective foundation
Gergana is an architect who focuses on cultural heritage preservation. She is a member of the "Collective" foundation, which works on revitalizing urban spaces through strategic, community-based interventions. Gergana’s experience includes projects such as "Rivers of the city... Read More →
avatar for Mark Davy

Mark Davy

Founder - Future City
Mark Davy is the Founder of Futurecity, a global multi-disciplinary placemaking agency set up in 2007 to promote culture-driven placemaking. A former artist Davy has promoted culture as the guiding narrative for the regeneration and development of towns, cities and regions. Mark... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Gemaal op Zuid Main Space
Friday, September 27

14:30 CEST

Public Innovation & Participation for Urban Shift : Two Systemic Approaches from Nantes & Milan
Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
The climate, social and ecological challenges are urging us to make a major urban shift, therefore questioning collectively our practices and urban lifestyles. Through the cases of Nantes and Milan, we’ll explore how those two cities are facing those crucial stakes and how they are shifting their practices for more transversal, participative and sustainable urban policies.  

For more than 15 years, the Metropolis of Nantes has been a frontrunner in promoting and making citizen participation an integrated and systemic process within the design of its public policies and urban renewal projects. We’ll present how Nantes Metropolis implemented an unprecedented large-scale citizen debate on its urban fabric at the metropolitan level last year, and the challenges we are now facing.

In 2018, the City of Milan created a design team within AMAT (its Environmental, Territorial and Mobility Agency) with the ambition to revolutionize public spaces in Milan, with a human scale vision. We’ll discuss the approach and results but also the obstacles and lessons learned from this process. The secret of “Officina Urbana” is not to become archistars, but to create a team of archistreet(fighter)s and placemakers, to enable everyone to have an impact on the public sphere.
avatar for Bart Cardinaal

Bart Cardinaal

Place maker, archtect, HUNC
avatar for Demetrio Scopelliti

Demetrio Scopelliti

Architect & Urban Design Advisor, Director, AMAT - City of Milan
An architect who loves cities, Demetrio’s job is to shape better cities, which he sees as collective pieces of art made by the people, for the people, through time. His research and study focuses on the contemporary urban condition and future trends. He believes in architecture... Read More →
avatar for Giulia Sicignano

Giulia Sicignano

Architect and Urban Planner, STIPO, AMAT
avatar for Clementine Robert

Clementine Robert

Friday September 27, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Roodkapje Black Box Delftseplein 39, 3013 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands

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