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Welcome to Placemaking Week Europe 2024 - Rotterdam Edition!
Climate Adaptation clear filter
Wednesday, September 25

11:45 CEST

Climate Adaptive Cities: An Expert Workshop on Greening through Placemaking
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
This session aims to explore and develop innovative strategies for integrating green spaces into urban environments through placemaking. By sharing our insights from the European projects Regreeneration and Greendense, participants will comprehensively understand the challenges and opportunities related to greening dense urban areas. Specifically, the cities involved in the projects are 10: Paris (FR), Barcelona (ES), Alverca (PT), Bucharest (RO), Dordrecht (NL), Bruges (BE), Mechelen (BE), Bremen (DE), Cork (IE), Nantes Métropole (FR).

This session will foster a collaborative environment where participants can exchange ideas and develop new approaches to urban greening, ensuring lasting impact. By integrating cultural capital and green infrastructures, the session aligns with the theme of co-creating inclusive, resilient, and dynamic urban spaces. Participants will leave with practical strategies and a deeper appreciation for the power of greening in urban development.
avatar for Khadidja Konate

Khadidja Konate

Architect and Placemaker, Stipo
I am an architect revitalising neighbourhoods through participatory processes focusing on urban regeneration and Placemaking. I am a member of the Placemaking Europe Network, Associate Partner at STIPO and co-founder of the company's Italian unit, specialising in developing human-scale... Read More →
avatar for Minouche Besters

Minouche Besters

Managing Partner, STIPO
Minouche Besters is partner and urbanist at STIPO team for Urban Development. She is an experienced designer and facilitator of collective processes.
avatar for Marta Popiolek

Marta Popiolek

Project Lead, Placemaking Europe

Rosaria Battista

Placemaking Europe
With a Bachelor’s in Political Science and an MSc in Urban Management and Development, Rosaria embarked on her urbanism journey through her thesis “Global Cities and Environmental Justice,” critiquing Rome’s waste mismanagement. Throughout her studies, she discovered placemaking... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Keilepand Mezzanine (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

11:45 CEST

Reconsidering the Value of Underground spaces in a Sustainable & Climate-Responsive Urban Future
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Ever wondered what’s beneath your city streets? With more than half of the world's population living in urban areas, cities are getting creative with the limited land above ground. From bustling Latin American metropolises to sleek European capitals, urban spaces are growing upwards and downwards!

Join us as we venture into the underground wonders transforming our cities. Discover Seoul’s high-tech metro farm where robots are cultivating plants in once-abandoned subway spaces. Explore how Paris is reviving its forgotten quarries and tunnels, and how Singapore and Helsinki are leading the way in reimagining subterranean spaces.

In a world where Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo calls underground spaces an “incredible wealth,” and Hong Kong is digging deep for essential infrastructure, we’ll dive into the potential of these hidden realms.

This panel will cover:

1. What is Underground Urbanism? Uncover how utilizing these spaces can create sustainable, resilient, and equitable cities.
2. Effective Implementation: What makes underground development successful?
3. Future-Ready Planning: How can planners and city administrators harness subterranean spaces for disaster risk reduction and sustainable growth?

Get ready to dig into the future of urban living—because sometimes, the best solutions are right beneath our feet! 🌍🔍
avatar for Abidemi Agwor

Abidemi Agwor

I am interested in learning more about policy development focused on exploring integration of subterranean features into the urban layout of cities .
avatar for Han Admiraal

Han Admiraal

Co-chair, ITACUS
avatar for Antonia Cornaro

Antonia Cornaro

Urbanist, ITACUS
I'm passioinate about cities, public art and spaces, and underground urbanism.
avatar for Mahak Agrawal

Mahak Agrawal

Steering Board Member (Urban Adaptability), ITA Committee on Underground Spaces
Mahak Agrawal is an urban planner, climate science and sustainability expert, global thought leader and LinkedIn Top (Green) Voice, and former United Nations fellow. As a Shardashish Scholar and Environmental Fellow at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs... Read More →
avatar for Akhilesh Shisodia

Akhilesh Shisodia

Stedenbouwkundige, Generation Energy
I am an urbanist with expertise in subsurface urban functions and sustainable design. At Generation Energy, I design innovative regional energy visions.
Wednesday September 25, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

14:30 CEST

Placemaking for the Planet: Inclusive Strategies for a Greener Future
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST

Rosemarie van Ham

Advisor Inclusive Climate Policy, Municipality of Rotterdam
Wednesday September 25, 2024 14:30 - 15:45 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

16:15 CEST

A Critter’s Guide to the City: Exploring More-than-human Placemaking for Urban Biodiversity Engagement
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
As we prepare our cities for the future, facing ongoing crises like climate change, social inequalities, population growth, and resource scarcity, we must also consider the needs of the other beings who we share our urban spaces with. Although urban planners and designers have developed tools to accommodate biodiversity, we still don’t fully understand the needs, desires, habits, and fears of the more-than-human worlds that surround us.

In this workshop, we will explore new ways to connect and strengthen the bond between urban communities and the non-human species that inhabit our cities through design. We will imagine what it’s like to scavenge canals for nest-building materials, navigate between glass towers at high-speed using sonar waves, stretch a lichen body in ultra-slow motion towards a moist crack, or search for food scraps in dark alley garbage bins. Together, we will practice shifting our perspectives, attuning to the more-than-human world, and uncovering the intricate web of entanglements that binds us.

These experiences will be documented and shared through drawing and collaging, and the insights gained will not only deepen our empathy for the more-than-human world but also inform and inspire future designs, guiding urban planners and designers in creating cities that are more inclusive, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of all species.
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Mezzanine (Main Hall) Keilestraat 9f, 3029 BP Rotterdam, Netherlands

16:15 CEST

Green Roofs: Unlock the Impact
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Unlock the power of green rooftops in our dynamic session, "Green Roofs: Unlock the Impact", where you will learn the practical tools how to estimate the transformative potential of green rooftops in enhancing urban climate resilience. This dynamic workshop invites urban planners, architects, policymakers, and sustainability enthusiasts to explore the practical applications of green infrastructure through hands-on modelling exercises and collaborative learning.

Participants will be divided into groups to evaluate green rooftops using three distinct tools: stormwater management models, energy performance simulations, and urban heat island mitigation models. Through these activities, you will gain practical insights into how green rooftops can reduce stormwater runoff, improve energy efficiency, and mitigate urban heat islands.

Working with real-world data, you will analyse different scenarios and compare results to understand the multifaceted benefits of green rooftops. By the end of the session, you’ll walk away with tools to advocate for and implement green rooftops in your projects and communities.

This session is your gateway to understanding and leveraging the full potential of green rooftops. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, share ideas, and contribute to creating sustainable, livable, and resilient cities. Let’s elevate our urban landscapes and unlock the impact of green roofs together!
avatar for Irina Khokhlova

Irina Khokhlova

Sustainability advisor, What's That Green
Wednesday September 25, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
New Lab Music Studio 's-Gravendijkwal 58-b, 3014 EE Rotterdam, Netherlands
Thursday, September 26

11:45 CEST

Create Together Communities Through Greener Spaces & Gardens in Cities
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
We want to improve the quality of life in neighbourhoods to make more places greener. As cities and housing corporations we see a lot of places that can be better used. Public spaces and semi-public places around social housing have sometimes bad quality and are not well used.

Together with our citizens and tenants we start processes to design more attractive, healthier and greener places to make more places for community, to come together, to play and give more space for biodiversity, meetings, playgrounds and climat adaption.
In different countries and cities we meet the same challenges. Cities and housing corporations from Portugal, the Netherlands, France and United Kingdom will show in this workshops you some good examples in our cities and together we will share our challenges and questions. How do you like to contribute to greener the areas and built communities? Which steps can you follow to engage several stakeholders to invest in greener spaces? Can you share with us your good examples? Come and join our workshop and participate with your knowledge and experiences

avatar for Hugo Mesquita

Hugo Mesquita

Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Adjunto do Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Famalicão para a coordenação e instalação de projetos Smart City. 00 351 919 023; hugomesquita@famalicao.pt; hugo.d.mesquita@gmail.com



Nicolas Levrel

Project Manager - Nature in the city and Active Mobilities, Paris Habitat
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis Art Hall

16:15 CEST

How to Enable Climate Resilient area Development with Civic Participation?
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
If we want to create meaningful impact in the field of climate change mitigation, public participation and sustainable and circular urban development there is an urgent need to bridge small scale civic initiatives (in placemaking) with larger infrastructure and area development initiatives and enable participation and civic development in these projects. While civil society initiatives are increasingly being recognised in the field of place-led development, civil society actors and initiatives in the area of infrastructure still receive too little acknowledgement and support. But what can we learn from these initiatives and what (regulatory) framework do they need?

In this session we will take a closer look at one of the most interesting area development projects in Rotterdam (Keilekwartier / Merwe-Vierhavens) and learn from international best-practice examples. We will investigate how civic infrastructure initiatives (e.g. energy communities) can foster resilient area development and create benefits and a just transition for the local community. How can these large scale developments still include citizen initiatives in a meaningful and just way? Can we develop good overarching frameworks for these developments?

Folkert van Hagen

Keilekwartier, Rotterdam
avatar for Levente Polyak

Levente Polyak

Director, Eutropian
Levente Polyak is urban planner, researcher, community advocate and policy adviser. After studying architecture at Budapest University of Technology, urbanism at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris and sociology at ELTE Budapest, and EHESS Paris, he was visiting lecturer at the Moholy-Nagy... Read More →
avatar for Christian Grauvogel

Christian Grauvogel

Director, Organizi.ng Beratung GmbH
Christian is an urbanist, project manager and placemaker. He is one of the founders of the European network re:Kreators for cooperative area development. He currently works as the director of Koop Wind, a consultancy for municipalities and civil society that specialises in citizen... Read More →

Monica Adams

Archtect-director, studioADAMS / KeileCollectief
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Katoenhuis White Hall

16:15 CEST

The Placemaking Game
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Are you eager about doing a placemaking project, but struggling to get started? Or are you curious how to kick-start your placemaking process in 70 minutes? Play the Placemaking Game with us!

The Placemaking Game playfully makes you and your team acquainted with the act of placemaking and supports you in developing a placemaking project. The game is designed for citizens as well as for government officials, policy makers and professional placemakers. It supports those that are less familiar with placemaking as well as the process of experienced placemakers.
The Placemaking Game aims to facilitate placemaking projects and will bring up international parallels and differences. 

It can be played with groups of 3-12 people and takes about 60-90 minutes. The game initiates interactive discussions about placemaking and moves placemaking ideas forward towards tangible action. Individual dreams and ambitions are translated into one collective vision. From this vision concrete roles and action points are articulated.
avatar for Bas Sala

Bas Sala

CEO-CTO-CFO-Creative director and Hands on placemaker, Studio Bas Sala
Studio Bas Sala is an interdisciplinary design studio based in Rotterdam. We create and implement innovative projects in public spaces, products, and interiors. Interactivity and design research are central to our work.Our designs invite people to sit, play, think, and relax, often... Read More →
avatar for Lieke Van de Meer

Lieke Van de Meer

Designer - researcher and coodinator of Studio Bas, Studio Bas Sala
Thursday September 26, 2024 16:15 - 17:30 CEST
Keilepand Cube (Main Hall)
Friday, September 27

11:45 CEST

Urbo3D Climate Game - Bring Your Laptop! (Max 60 participants)
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST

The participants work in teams to redesign an existing neighbourhood in Rotterdam in a 3D game. New houses need to be built, but the neighbourhood also needs to be adapted to the changing climate. Which team will create the best design?

The participants are kindly requested to bring their own laptops to the session (not a table or phone). A mouse is handy, but not required.

Gosia Wrzesinska

CEO, Urbo3D
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45 - 13:00 CEST
Katoenhuis White Hall

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